AuthorAshley Morway

Ashley Morway is a 32-year-old married Magic player who has been playing since Revised. She plays both casually and competitively. Her Magic achievements consist of four PTQ Top 8s with one win, a Top 64 at a Grand Prix, and a Top 16 at Nationals.

Return To Ravnica Rundown

Get ready for Return to Ravnica by reading Ashley Morway’s thoughts about some of the new cards. She’s particularly looking for cards with potential in Standard as well as for goodies to add to her Commander decks.

A Non-Blue Commander Deck? Oh My!

This week Ashley shares a non-blue Commander deck she’s had some success with and talks about how her return to Magic has been going with some M13 Draft and a Standard FNM with Mono-Green Infect.

One Deck To Rule Them All

Ashley Morway provides you with some examples and principles to follow if you want to build Commander decks that are effective in both big group games and one-on-one duels.

Back In The Saddle Again

Ashley Morway is returning to Magic after a break, so she’s here to share her thoughts on how to go about getting back into the game and to give some fresh perspective on M13.

More Ways to Win – Role Models

Ashley has three interviews with grinders making a foray onto the Pro Tour in Honolulu with Dark Ascension. These are their stories, and their words of wisdom!

More Ways To Win – Looking At Innistrad’s Past (And Future)

With Dark Ascension coming out in less than a month, I thought it might be a good idea to reflect back on Innistrad this week. Looking back, what cards turned out to be over-hyped, which ones lived up to the hype, and what cards surprised us?

More Ways To Win – A Look At Cognitive Dissonance (And Cheating)

Ashleys talks about cognitive dissonance and how it hinders players who want to win more, as well as how it can explain why people cheat and justify it to themselves.

More Ways to Win – Seeking Advice

In this week’s More Ways to Win, Ashley unearths many of the common fallacies and shortcomings that get in the way of improving as a player and tells you how to avoid them.

More Ways To Win – Following Sun Tzu’s Advice

Drawing on ancient wisdom, Ashley draws parallels between winning philosophy and her own Magic experiences. Are you looking for victory in the right places?

More Ways To Win – Commander Fundamentals

Commander is for everyone, and Ashley loves a good spot of EDH. If you are just starting to play this format, this is a useful guide for how to get started, what cards are essential to have, and more.

More Ways To Win – The Art Of Netdecking

Netdecks aren’t for everyone, and nobody should play them all the time, but sometimes they’re just what you need to maximize your own personal best chance of winning.

More Ways To Win – Changing Priorities

Ashley had to miss States this past weekend due to a flat tire, but it gave her an opportunity to reflect. Read about the deck she would’ve played as well as the position of cards like Consecrated Sphinx, Dismember, and Doom Blade.

More Ways To Win – Exploring Limited And Standard With Innistrad

Ashley Morway takes you step by step through her process of building a deck for States (the 2011’s). Afterward, she lends you a few Limited tips for you PTQ grinders.

More Ways To Win – Grinding At Grand Prix Montreal

Ashley had a strong start in Montreal, but couldn’t quite convert. Let her show you what she learned in the last Magic 2012 Limited event!

More Ways To Win – Looking At Standard With Innistrad

Ashley is giving herself a head start in Standard by figuring out the metagame post-Innistrad and brewing decks with the newest spoilers. Check out U/B Control, G/B Wolf Rock, and more.