
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

Updating Modern With Magic Origins

Two of Adrian’s favorite Modern decks have potentially gotten key updates with Magic Origins cards, and he prepares them both for the $5K Premier IQ at #SCGRICH this weekend!

The Magic Origins Red Review

Red cards are notoriously hard for most people to review, but Adrian Sullivan has long experience with a variety of red’s play styles and is here to take an in-depth look at Magic Origins.

The Stats On The Magic Hall Of Fame

Adrian Sullivan crunches some serious numbers on this year’s Hall of Fame candidates and compares them to each inductee in the year they were voted into the Hall in order to inform his own ballot.

Ranking The Planeswalkers

Magic players are well-known for their list-making prowess, and today Adrian Sullivan ranks the five Magic Origins planeswalkers for their power and potential.

Some Thoughts On Changes To Organized Play

With some key changes to Organized Play announced as of Pro Tour Magic Origins, Adrian discusses the change that makes his personal style of play potentially against the rules.

Aiming Your Control Deck

If you want to win with your control deck, you had better know what you’re controlling. If you’re a fan of U/B Control, Adrian shares his latest build for #SCGBALT… as well as looking in detail at the deck’s progression over the past six months.

Dragonlord Ojutai In Modern

Dragonlord Ojutai and Silumgar’s Scorn in Modern. Do we really need to tell you anything more? Check out Adrian’s latest creation and test it out for yourself!

Rogue Modern Decks For Charlotte

Adrian Sullivan has long been a member of a cabal of rogue mages, and he is considering rogue deck choices in Modern for Grand Prix Charlotte this weekend. Take a look at what he’s considering and give one a spin yourself!

Burning The Midnight Oil After Vegas

Adrian has been working hard on both Modern and Standard, to prepare for upcoming events in both of these formats. If you’re thinking about taking his advice, he’ll even tell you when not to!

The Burnsey Scale

Adrian Sullivan is preparing for #SCGINVI and Grand Prix Charlotte by ruminating on the nature and relativism of Burn decks and their purpose through Magic’s history up to today’s Modern format!

Making The Legacy Transition

If you’re comfortable with a few Standard and Modern decks, but you’re unsure of what you’d like to play in Legacy for #SCGWOR and beyond, Adrian has the article for you!

Fact Or Fiction: G/R Dragons Is The Best Deck In Standard

The Fact or Fiction debut pairs Adrian Sullivan and Ross Merriam this week as they argue the hot topics around the community as we approach The Legacy Open at #SCGWOR this weekend!

6 Ways To Improve At Limited

There are a host of Limited Grand Prix coming up! Today, Adrian Sullivan tells you his process for gaining huge edges in Sealed Deck and Draft formats so that you can be ahead of the rest!


Adrian Sullivan has been playing for decades, and he still makes mistakes. If you don’t think you make mistakes in Magic, you’re probably making a lot of them. Adrian explains in this excellent piece.

132 Pro Tour Invitations: The RPTQs

Adrian Sullivan takes the data from the RPTQs and shows us what we should know about the format! #SCGPORT is coming up, and you could stand to benefit from Adrian’s fantastic analysis!