
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

Sullivan Library – The Truth About Standard

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, December 17th – The Standard metagame seems to be swinging away from the Jund-dominated format it was mere weeks ago. While Jund is still extremely strong, speedy Red strategies (and others) appear to have the upper hand in those matchups. Adrian dissects the States results to form a clearer picture of the metagame going forward…

Sullivan Library – Examining the 2009 Wisconsin State Champs Lists

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Friday, December 11th – The Standard Metagame, packed with Jund decks, took a shot in the arm last weekend at the 2009 State Championships. With the SCG 10K Open St. Louis this weekend, Adrian Sullivan looks at the Top 4 finishers from Wisconsin, and discusses their relative strengths.

Sullivan Library – Thank You, Worlds, For The Standard Decks

Claim your territory at The 2009's State and Provincial Championships!
Thursday, November 26th – In today’s Sullivan Library, Adrian examines the top decks from the Standard portion of Worlds, including Turbo-Fog, AUS Control, and the all-powerful Jund. With States approaching fast, how can we gain an advantage in the current metagame?

Sullivan Library – The Question of Pacing

Claim your territory at The 2009's State and Provincial Championships!Thursday, November 19th – Last weekend, Adrian Sullivan made Day 2 at Grand Prix: Minneapolis with an admittedly weak cardpool. In doing so, he learned a valuable lesson on the art of pacing. He shares that lesson today…

Sullivan Library – Understanding Sealed

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Friday, November 13th – The Sealed Deck PTQ season continues apace, both online and off, and Adrian Sullivan has some sage advice for those hunting the Blue Envelope. Today, he shares his experience with the format, and looks over Cedric’s awful PTQ cardpool from last week…

Sullivan Library – Winning at Magic: Lessons in Respect

The StarCityGames.com $5,000 Standard Open Series Comes to Nashville!
Thursday, October 29th – In this fascinating article, Adrian Sullivan looks at the role of Respect in magic: The Gathering. While there’s the expected bevy of advice regarding respecting your opponents, there’s a healthy dose of strategic insight and game theory included here too…

Sullivan Library – Extended: The Post-Austin Analysis

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Tampa!
Thursday, October 22nd – Pro Tour: Austin is in the books, and it’s time to take stock of the results. As usual in mixed-format events, the true strength of the Constructed decks cannot be distinguished at first glance. Adrian Sullivan dissects the statistics and reveals the winners and losers in all their glory…

Sullivan Library – Getting the Most Out of the Philly $5K

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Tampa!
Thursday, October 15th – With the StarCityGames.com $5000 Standard Open in Philadelphia now in the books, Adrian Sullivan examines the results and decklists in order to gain an advantage for Standard play. He investigates the Jund phenomenon, and updates a successful fringe deck with Zendikar cards.

Sullivan Library – Standard’s Brave New World

SCG 10K Philadelphia... the first major event featuring Zendikar!
Thursday, October 8th – With the StarCityGames.com $5000 Standard Open in Philadelphia this Saturday, Adrian Sullivan takes a look at the countermagic available to potential Blue spellslingers. With Cryptic Command gone to the big Extended table in the sky, what do we have as a replacement?

Sullivan Library – A Guide in Extended Zoo

SCG 10K Philadelphia... the first major event featuring Zendikar!
Thursday, October 1st – Goblin Guide… unmissable or unplayable? It seems that opinion is divided on this little Red guy. Adrian Sullivan looks at his place in the Extended Zoo strategy, sharing a handful of interesting decklists along the way…

Sullivan Library – The Return of the Fattie in Standard

SCG 10K Philadelphia... the first major event featuring Zendikar!
Thursday, September 24th – With the coming of Zendikar and the rotation of Bitterblossom and Spectral Procession, Adrian Sullivan believes that Standard is ripe for the return of Fatties. Today, he looks at the history behind the Fattie and the strategies involved, and suggests a few contenders that may fit in the modern Fattie mold…

Sullivan Library – The Lull Times: Standard Strength Pre-Zendikar

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, September 17th – While Zendikar is on everyone’s mind, Adrian Sullivan examines at the Standard cards we currently overlook, and shares some of their possible uses in the upcoming Standard metagame. While the fresh cardboard is certainly exciting, it will serve us well to remember those underused gems that we have already…

Sullivan Library – Zendikar, Extended, Standard, and Red

The StarCityGames.com $10K Open Comes to Charlotte!
Thursday, September 10th – With Baneslayer Angel ruling the Standard roost, it seems like it’s a bad time to be a dedicated Red mage. However, Adrian Sullivan is not ready to put down those Mountains yet. He takes a look at a collection of the Red cards coming in Zendikar, as well as examining the new Extended.

Sullivan Library – Thanks For All The Fish

The StarCityGames.com $10K Open Comes to Charlotte!
Tuesday, September 1st – For the past few weeks, Adrian Sullivan has been promoting the Magical Fishfolk for Standard play. At the StarCityGames.com $5000 Dallas Standard Open, Merfolk went all the way. Today, Adrian brings us the evolution of the deck.

Sullivan Library – A Rogue (Deck) Gallery

Make plans to join us at SCG 5K Dallas!
Tuesday, August 25th – As Standard with M10 continues to develop into a fascinating format, Adrian Sullivan investigates a collection of powerful rogue options. With the StarCityGames.com $5000 Dallas Standard Open this weekend, does Adrian possess the deck that will catapult you to the final table? Read on to find out!