Wizards of the Coast Teases New Mystery Product

Early this morning, Wizards of the Coast released a series of brief trailers on Twitter, teasing an upcoming product called “Secret Lair”.

Early this morning, Wizards of the Coast released a series of brief trailers on Twitter, teasing an upcoming product called “Secret Lair”.

The first video displays five cards in a freezer, arranged in a block of ice. They are described as “a set of basics… but definitely not basic”

The second video shows a black box being dug out of the ground with the caption “A human, a vampire, and a green sorcery walk into a graveyard…” a play on the classic “A man walks into a bar” joke.

The third and final video is a quick glimpse of a poster attached to a telephone pole. It depicts a woman’s face, partially obscured by darkness with the caption “This is the weirdest art we’ve ever put on this sorcery. Except for the other three versions that come with it in the box.”

The brief and relatively vague videos were met with mixed reviews, with many users voicing their frustrations with Wizard’s recent “Mystery Product” advertising strategy.

Despite the initial backlash, the three videos still succeeded in creating a buzz on social media however, with each post garnering several hundred comments and a wide array of speculation.

Popular theories for the contents of Secret Lair included everything from a new From the Vault to a special, Holiday-themed collector set.

While no product release date has been announced, Magic fans can expect to learn more about #MTGSecretLair on November 25.