
Video: Treasure Burn In Legacy!

With Burn in Modern getting infused with Treasure Cruise lately, Sam Black takes the concept a step further. What happens when you take that premise and add in Legacy fast mana? Sam begins the experiment!

Playing Jeskai Ascendancy in Legacy at the 2014 Season Four Invitational, one of the cards I was most impressed with was Lotus Petal. Obviously Lotus Petal is great with Jeskai Ascendancy, but I wondered if it could be good in other decks that are trying to aggressively cast Treasure Cruise.

Burn is a deck that’s not trying to play an attrition game. It’s happy to trade cards for damage, and Lotus Petal can essentially do just that. On turn 1, if you play Monastery Swiftspear, then Lotus Petal and Goblin Guide, the Lotus Petal has dealt three damage for -1 mana in that it costs nothing, your opponent has taken three extra, and your Goblin Guide is already in play. That’s a relatively ideal situation for it, but it’s also two mana toward a Treasure Cruise at any point, and it’s usually a card you’re happy to draw into off Treasure Cruise, as it lets you cast the last points of burn you were looking for.

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4