The Return of Ask Joe Black – 09/13/2004

I was just wondering how various pros handle losing? I heard a story that noted Pro Tour tree stump Eric Froehlich once ate an entire jar of peanut butter after losing a draft on Magic Online. Is that a typical reaction pros have to losing, or do they take it in stride?

[Editor’s Note: The content herein is unabashedly lies, damned lies, and statistics. Believe what Joe Black says at your own peril.]

Dear Osyp,

I was just wondering how various pros handle losing? I heard a story that noted Pro Tour tree stump Eric Froehlich once ate an entire jar of peanut butter after losing a draft on Magic Online. Is that a typical reaction pros have to losing, or do they take it in stride?


Rebecca from Estonia

Dear Rebecca,

Thanks for the question Rebecca, losing gracefully is an important part of Magic, especially for people who play as much as your typical Pro would. Some Pros are particularly superstitious and resort to various activities after losing in order to get their head back into the game. For instance, PT phenomenon Jeroen Remie can often be found in the corner of the convention hall doing Tai Chi after a loss, and Kamiel Cornelissen will often indulge in a good cry after losing a hard fought match. Some Pros will go as far as eating a certain food after each loss to try and shake it off. For Gabriel Nasssif, chocolate chip cookies are his food of choice after a loss, which explains why he gains about five pounds after each Limited Pro Tour. As far as Efro and his jar of peanut butter, that actually had nothing to do with losing on Magic Online, it was just Tuesday.


Osyp”Joe Black” Lebedowicz

Dear Joe Black,

I recently attended the Marvel Pro Circuit at GenCon and had a great time. The site was fantastic and the payout was phenomenal. There were so many cool attractions and the staff did a great job with making the players feel comfortable. I was just wondering, with more money at stake, and cooler atmospheres, will Wizards do anything to try and compete with the increase in attention Marvel is receiving?

Yours Truly,

Jeff D. from San Diego

Dear Jeff D.,

It is true that Marvel is serious about starting up their Pro Circuit, and it seems like many Magic Pros are taking more of a liking to the higher payout and perks Marvel has to offer. For instance, the winner of the Marvel Pro Circuit had the opportunity to shake Batman’s hand and drive off in the actual 60’s Batmobile, a treat for anyone who’s ever read comics in their life. The fact is that right now, Marvel is like Lindsey Lohan and Magic is like Hilary Duff. Both are attractive, but lets be honest, we all would rather hook up with Lindsey right? Although fear not Magic players, Wizards is taking action to try and shorten the gap that Marvel is creating. At the next Pro level event, PT: Columbus, the winner will not only win $30,000, but will also be allowed to drive off in Mark Rosewater Ford Taurus and shake hands with Mike Turian dressed in a goblin costume.


Osyp”Joe Black” Lebedowicz