
The Magic Show #177 – Pro Tour: San Diego Part 1

StarCityGames.com Open Series: Indianapolis on March 13-14
Friday, February 26th – Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week is one of the hallmarks of the year, the Pro Tour Show! These are my pride n’ joy and I try my best to convey the awesomeness that is a PT. In this one we speak of Jace, Tectonic Edge, manlands and more, hearing from PT superstars and WotC personnel. Let’s go!

Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week is one of the hallmarks of the year, the Pro Tour Show! These are my pride n’ joy and I try my best to convey the awesomeness that is a PT. In this one we speak of Jace, Tectonic Edge, manlands and more, hearing from PT superstars and WotC personnel. Let’s go!

Thanks again to everyone for their time and effort. I love this game!

Evan “misterorange” Erwin
Community Manager