Today’s theme is people who really didn’t think that Rizzo was all that good. (Yesterday’s theme was”Writers From Afar,” but I’ll explain why I didn’t mention that in a minute.) But today marks an even more important day in StarCity history: We’re done with Rizzo.
So first, let me explain what happened on Thursday – I was in the middle of editing StarCity on Wednesday night when some idiot apparently punched a shovel through the fiberoptic line that connected my house to the internet, thus rendering me connectionless for a day or so. As such, some major gaffes stayed up – a Type 1.5 tournament that was really a Type 1 tourney was up for most of the day on Thursday, for example, since I was in the process of reminding myself whether 1.5 allowed the Jewelry or not when everything went kaput. I also wanted to have Mike Turian picture up there, and Mike Flores‘, too.
Of course, things being what they are, my internet connection came up precisely forty-five minutes before I have to go out of state for a day, so I can’t fine-tune the way I’d like. I apologize to StarCity readers, and hopefully DirecTV will be a little bit quicker in the future in getting me rewired.
Also, the flood – and I do mean flood – of responses to my clarion call to just write, dammit, is much appreciated. Over the weekend, I got no less than seventy articles; on an average weekend, I get twenty. As such, my editing time has tripled… And add that to the fact that I’m also learning to program PHP and mySQL for my new position as Webmaster for StarCity and that I just landed a book contract to pound out a hundred and twenty pages on basic networking that is due by May 10th… And my time is suddenly very scarce. I’m working twelve-hour days and still not catching up.
So if your article isn’t up as soon as you like or I’m not responding within a day or so, please cut me some slack. I can only offer my sincere apologies until after, say mid-May.
The final announcement is this: After today, there will be no more Rizzo submissions… At least for awhile. Between the Toby Wachter fiasco (I’m really really sorry for that, Rev) and the fair amount of redundancy in all of the Rizzo posts, we could argue Rizzo’s demise unto eternity and bore the hell out of everyone else. That’s not my intent.
Please. Send stuff in. We’re especially looking for stuff on OBC right now – with Judgement’s spoiler, we have all this extra time to prepare for the next PTQ season, and by God we should use it productively. Talk about how Limited will be affected by Judgement is cool, too… And any Type II submissions that doesn’t at least try to use Judgement should be aiming higher than next week’s FNM.
But Rizzo’s gone. We’ve heard enough. (I’ve heard enough; I’m growing to hate the bald little bastard.) It’s sad, but it’s time to mourn him and move on.
Signing off,
The Ferrett
The Here Edits This Here Site Here Guy
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