The Daily Shot: Thankew, Thankew, Thankew

In truth, this is my”thank you” column. We’ve been going for three months now (ever since I started this whole thing off with”Five Articles In Five Days”), with no signs of slowing down, and it’s been a great ride. The shaky early days are over, and I’m getting the feeling you’re going to be seeing me on StarCity, every day, for a long, long time.

Friday, Friday, Friday. What to write about today? Strategy seems a little dry, humor a little too flamboyant. Tournament reports have been done this week. I’d write an”issue boy” column, but what issue has galvanized me lately? Not much of anything.

So how to fill this space?

A reader contest? Nah – too trendy. One thing I will always count on is that readers are lazy. I expect this behaviour because I myself am a frequent reader, and I’m extremely lazy. I’m betting any request for reader feedback in this column would meet with an ego-crushingly low response.

Tell a story about Magic or Magic players? It’s been done- remember”Countdown,” or”FNM and Creative Civil Disobedience?”

How about some jokes? Nah, I wrote my last”Impulse Like….” article years ago.

Some wacky Magic-related poetry or prose? No, that’s Boydell’s schtick, and he does it better.

Onslaught set review? Too soon. You’ll get one as soon as I get the spoiler.

Torment set review? Too late. I might as well start with Alpha.

Art reviews aren’t my thing, and critical analyses of someone else’s writing are usually unbearably asinine – I don’t even want to try. It’s tough to be a critic and to simultaneously remain likeable.

Make fun of card art featuring a large wang? I came, I saw, I conquered. The green wang demographic is mine.

Geordie Tait Most Costly Mistakes”? Heck, we’d be here all day. Plus I’m usually well out of the running if I’m playing bad, so no mistake I’ve made has ever cost me anything of note.

No recent major team event, so I can’t do a “Best Team Names” article. No recent major event at all, really… So I can’t even do an event recap and commentary.

I haven’t built any embarrassing decks lately (at least, nothing besides”Sleight Knight 2002″) so there’s no fodder for a new installment of “Aborted Tech.”

I don’t know any name players or writers – so even if I wanted to interview someone, I couldn’t.

No webcam so I can’t give you pictures.

No member of R & D has said anything objectionable lately. No fuel for the furnace there.

Don’t play Magic Online, so I can’t write about it.

Don’t do much trading; can’t talk about that.

MeridianMagic has cut itself off from the wayback machine; can’t repost my old Regionals report.

I get some very nice mail, but nothing suitable for a”Mailbag” column.

Hmm. The Ferrett hasn’t interjected anything into one of my columns lately…let’s say we leave him some space here –


and here…


And then we can just tie this whole rambling session together with a nice bow and call it a day.

In truth, this is my”thank you” column. We’ve been going for three months now (ever since I started this whole thing off with”Five Articles In Five Days”), with no signs of slowing down, and it’s been a great ride. The shaky early days are over, and I’m getting the feeling you’re going to be seeing me on StarCity, every day, for a long, long time.

Thank you to everyone who has read”The Daily Shot” and made it a success. I couldn’t continue to do this without your support and encouragement. Thank you readers, and thanks to everyone who mailed me with kind words or with good-natured criticism.

Thanks are due to the Ferrett, for keeping me going, and going above and beyond the call of duty as site editor and administrator.

Thanks are due to my great friends John Silvestri, Trent Rogers and John Labute for their counsel and support through the last few years. John L, even though we hardly play together anymore, there’s no one I’d rather have for a teammate.

Thanks go out to the many tremendous Magic writers who came before me – those great artists who walked me through the first baby steps of learning to write about the game I loved. You know who you are.

Finally, props to the Future Pastimes Magic crew. Jean-Marc Babin, Chris Borek, Matt Fox, John L, Trent Rogers, Mark Weymouth, J Vanderwielen, Kevin Phelan, Mike Clark, Nick Martiniuk and everyone else who comes out and participates in Ontario Magic. You guys keep the game alive in Sarnia. Anyone else I forgot?

Include yourself for me.

Time to bail.

How do you avoid manascrew again, JFR?

Oh yeah. Draw land.

See you all next week.

Geordie Tait