Hello again! I’m back from an awesome weekend at Grand Prix San Jose and ready to dive right back into the Open Series with StarCityGames.com. After a
fun-filled Providence event, we’re stopping in Indianapolis this weekend before heading to New Orleans come Halloween! As exciting as I’m sure the Bayou
will be, I’m going to get you up to speed on this weekend’s event in one of our favorite locations.
The Indianapolis Convention Center has always been a fantastic place to run an event, and this weekend will make no exception. Surrounded by hotels in a
city used to accommodating gamers (hello Gen Con) I doubt you’ll have any trouble finding your way. That said, here’s a venue map!

One of my personal favorite parts of Indianapolis? The food. Plenty of great steakhouses, sit-downs, and fast food surround the downtown area. I’m partial
to Harry and Izzy’s, Buca di Beppo, and Noodles & Co. but there are plenty of choices available. Here are just a few nearby!

As always, I’ll stress the importance of preordering your cards. Return to Ravnica is selling the way hotcakes wished they could, and it’s not uncommon for
our stock to run short at a moment’s notice, even with constant replenishment every weekend. To make sure we’ve got what you need, place an order for free
Event Pickup on the website!
We’ve invited a trio of talented alterists to set up shop on the Open Series this weekend—check ‘em out:
3-D Alters’ Lindsay Burley will be selling and creating her unique brand of 3-D cards and tokens as well as custom playmats! Check out her work at her blog, or just drop by the booth in Cincinnati. For special commissions before the event you can contact
Lindsay at [email protected]. For a look into Lindsay’s process, check out her YouTube page.
Based out of northern Illinois, Chris Bergeson will be creating, trading, and selling altered magical cards at this event! Check out his work on hisPhotobucket and contact him with any requests at[email protected]. You can also find Chris on Facebook at Oneiros Alters!
Eric Claar brings his unique style of alters to the StarCityGames.com Open Series. Known for his minimalist “blueprint” style as well as full art pieces,
you can check out his work on Facebook and deviantART. For commissions, you can contact him through Facebook or email [email protected].
Then, there’s the coverage.
Indianapolis will feature the usual live streaming HD awesomesauce broadcast via @SCGLive! Adam Prosak returns
for the second weekend in the row—you lucky ducks—this time joined by Robert Martin! I’ll be accompanying these podcasters in the Sideboard on written and
video content as well, so be sure to tell me any particular features you’re looking to see.
Which decks will wind up on top in week three? Stay tuned to #SCGINDY find out!
Event Coverage Coordinator