
MTGCast Interviews the Men of Magic, Presenting: #61 – AJ Sacher

Robert Martin of The Men of Magic podcast holds a conversational interview with our very own AJ Sacher! With a guest appearance by the always-entertaining Osyp Lebedowicz!

Robert Martin of The Men of Magic podcast holds a conversational interview with our very own AJ Sacher (with a guest appearance by Osyp
Lebedowicz, whose original interview inspired the whole thing). AJ
rants about a range of subjects he’s passionate about, including the
importance of teams in Magic, what it takes to make a successful team,
how players improve, the difference between the Pro Tour-caliber
players and the rest, his own current place in the game, and so much

In his typical, no-holds-barred style, he infuses his strong
personality and passion for the game into this exciting interview.
Complaints, frustrations, examples, stories, analogies, and a couple
of awkward audio-cuts, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone
looking to step up their game.

Right-click here to download!