MTGCast #178 – Allies and Ashnod’s Coupon

The $5,000 Standard Open Series Comes to Nashville!
Wednesday, October 28th – In this week’s edition of MTGCast, the guys talk about Grand Prix: Tampa (Go Conley!), the Pro Tour: Austin Video Contest, WotC job opportunities, EDH, and much more!

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MTGCast #178 – Allies and Ashnod’s Coupon
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
Grand Prix: Tampa was this past weekend, and congratulations to Conley Woods (from here, baby!) for his second place finish, and also congrats to Gaudenis Vidugiris for bringing down first place. Congratulations to Kasandra Bessey, another MTGCast alum, for winning first place in the PT Austin video contest! Bunch of new promos to discuss this week including the new WPN Vampire Nighthawk and Kor Duelist, Zendikar Game Day full art Emeria Angel and Nissa’s Chosen, and the coup de grace of the GP 2010 promo Umezawa’s Jitte. WoTC also has a job posting up on the Hasbro mother site looking for a new game designer, see if you have what it takes to apply!

What Have We Been Playing?
Steve talks about adding M10 and Zendikar to his limited EDH experiment!

Listener Emails
Lots of great emails and questions including what card do you wish had been printed in a different set (Tom voted for Zuran Orb to be in Zendikar, and Steve opted for Crop Rotation to be Zendikar)

MTGCast News
Thank you to Jason P of Team Proxy Games for sending in TWO sets of Zendikar 4x commons and uncommons for our next give-away. Tom is looking to do more video content for and needs your input, what would you like to see and do you like the idea of a short weekly video show going over news topics? Also, check out Tom’s latest “Tribal Time with Tom” looking a Cat deck and showing some of the new editing software and skills he is learning.

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