MTGCast #173 – Dirty, Dirty Twinkie

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Wednesday, September 23rd – Join Tom and Conley as they run through a bunch of Zendikar previews, including a pick or two that will likely see play in Vintage / Legacy, some Limited bombs, Standard staples, and more!

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MTGCast #173 – Dirty, Dirty Twinkie
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
Join Tom and Conley as they run through a bunch of Zendikar previews, including a pick or two that will likely see play in Vintage / Legacy, some Limited bombs, Standard staples ,and more! Read along on the unofficial Zendikar Spoiler on MTGS. A number of pretty tasty promos this week with the MPR foil textless Lightning Bolt, Textless Cancel and Sign in Blood along with the Wal-Mart DCI Broodmate Dragon and October FNM promo of Browbeat. Debut of the MTGO PTQ’s for PT San Diego. Banned and Restricted list updated for Legacy with unbanning of Dream Halls, Metalworker and Entomb.

What Have We Been Playing?
More Planechase and EDH for Tom and some EDH + Extended Pro Tour testing for Conley.

Listener Emails
Lots of great feedback, Magic re-branding stories and here is the link to Space: The Convergence!

MTGCast News
We are happy to announce we are working on releasing an iPhone app to let you listen easily on the go. Tom is planning to interview Lee Sharpe at his Zendikar Pre-release and wants to know if you have any questions. Also, keep an eye out for the old Magic School Bus episodes to be re-release every few days for the next couple of months.

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