MTGCast #166 – Worldwake and M10 Shortages

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Wednesday, August 5th – In today’s edition of MTGCast, the guys discuss Worldwake, WPN Promos, the Premium Deck Series, and much more!

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MTGCast #166 – Worldwake and M10 Shortages
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
Worldwake has been confirmed as the name of the second set in the Zendikar block, 145 cards, comes out on 2/5/2010. We have an unofficial card image for Chandra Flamedancer that appears to be a new planeswalker card in Zendikar, seen on a Facebook page and looks pretty convincing. New WPN promos have been spotted with Mind Control and Rise from the Grave, the art on the new Mind Control is fantastic. Check out the new “Premium Deck Series: Slivers” coming out in November with a full 60-card all foil deck with 5 rares and one Mythic Rare (hopefully Sliver Queen!). Congratulations to Mark Purvis for being promoted to Brand Manager for magic, that means the associate Brand Manager position is open and you can apply online at Hasbro! See this month’s upper tier promos for the MTGO Magic Player Rewards program.

Listener Emails
We want to give an official shout-out to Sean O’Neill who is the original creator of the now-famous 99-card + Ashling the Pilgrim EDH deck and you can see him in this pic on thestarkingtonpost blog (the guy in the green shirt), truly a sweet deck.

MTGCast News
We are continuing the M10 booster pack give-away for one more week due to the fantastic response, so submit your new planeswalker card you would like to see in the next Un-set (think Unglued, Unhinged) and you can post it in the forum area on for episode 165! The contest ends next week and we will be giving out 13 prize packs each with three boosters of M10!

Check out Jack’s new MTG blog where he explores off-beat Standard / Extended competitive decks, Cardboard Lovin’ Crazies. Also, test your knowledge of MNM with Mellowcow’s MNM Fact or Fiction quiz!

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