MTGCast #158 – Conley Top 4’s PT: Honolulu, M10 Talk, and More!

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Wednesday, June 10th – Pro Tour: Honolulu was this past weekend, with Kazuya Mitamura crowned champion, but representing us all was Conley Woods, who made the Top 4 and brought home $13,000! We are also proud to hear that Duels of the Planeswalkers will be coming out the XBLA on June 17th.

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MTGCast #158 – Conley Top 4’s PT: Honolulu, M10 talk, and more!
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
PT Honolulu was this past weekend, with Kazuya Mitamura crowned champion, but representing us all was Conley Woods, who made the top 4 and brought home $13,000! We are also proud to hear that Duels of the Planeswalkers will be coming out the XBLA on June 17th for 800 MS points ($10). We have also confirmed that there will be 3 planeswalkers in Zendikar, one of which is a returning planeswalker, and one of the new is Nissa Revane. Also, another Duel Decks has been announced, Liliana vs Garruk! Some M10 reprints have been confirmed (Shivan Dragon, Nightmare, White Knight) along with the release of the intro pack images giving us a glimpse of a few new cards. Bunch of news about the Planechase release and it’s connection with Zendikar. We also talk about WoTC official contest to design art for an upcoming show with RYZ where you can win $1,000 and an uncut foil sheet, check out the current entries and enter here along with a useful template. You can also read another nice writeup of Gavin and Conley at GP: Seattle.

What Have We Been Playing?
Eric has been enjoying some awesome 8 and 16 man cube drafting. Jack has been dabbling in some Arcanis the Omnipotent EDH and the Jund Cascade Aggro deck. Tom has been playing more limited EDH and finding ways to kill his new nemesis, Diviner’s Wand.

Listener Emails
Bunch of great emails about M10, zone name changes and an idea for a comment contest to make decks out of the 100 worst cards of all time.

MTGCast News
The Sorrow’s Path comment contest is closed as of 8pm CST on Tuesday evening, you can enter by then or read the entries on the episode 157 comment thread.

We are also happy to announce another give-away sponsored by Chris from Kentucky’s ebay MTG shop, Mr. Morbowski’s Cards.

Contest: Design a logo for the eBay MTG shop, Mr. Morbowski’s Cards
Starts: June 8th
Ends June 21st at midnight CST

Grand Prize: 4x common/uncommon playset for M10
– All logos should be in jpeg format
– Email them to
– Make the title of the email “Logo entry”
– Please include a daytime phone number and mailing address

Disclaimer: All submitted artwork will become the property of Mr. Morbowski’s Cards.

Leave a voice mail on our new phone line – 469-277-2278
So why wait? Call in with any questions, news items, hints, tricks, combos, or anything!

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