
In Contention #96 – The Other Kranny

In this episode of In Contention, the official podcast of the SCG Open Series, Reuben and Joey are joined by Cedric Phillips to discuss the future of MTG coverage, the expected Standard metagame at SCG Open Series: Cincinnati, and more!

In this episode of In Contention, the official podcast of the SCG Open Series, Reuben and Joey are joined by Cedric Phillips to discuss the Return to Ravnica Prerelease, Cedric’s Modern testing for the Pro Tour, and the future of MTG coverage, as well as look ahead to the expected Standard metagame for SCG Open Series: Cincinnati this weekend.

Open Series Links
Information on SCG Cincinnati (#SCGCIN)

Reference Links
Cedric Phillips - Improving Magic: The Gathering Coverage 
Brad Nelson - My Take On Improving Magic Coverage
Chingsung Chang - What’s In A Game?
The Stream Team - twitch.tv/ceddyp
GameState - twitch.tv/GameStateMTG (Mondays 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific)

Follow us on Twitter!
@incontention – Show
@kstube – Matt Kranstuber
@MoxReuby – Reuben Bresler
@affinityforblue – Joey Pasco

Intro music by Tha Gatherin’

Once, when I was really little, I was with my dad at the grocery store and someone cut in line in front of us. I don’t remember this, of course, but according to my dad, I looked up at him and adamantly declared, “Hey! We were here first! … THAT’S NOT FAIR!”

I am Azorius. I seek knowledge and fairness through application of logic, order, and careful planning.
But more than just following the rules, I want to understand the reasoning behind the rules.
On Sundays during the autumn and winter, you’ll often find me screaming at the television when NFL referees botch a call.
I’d much prefer a Think Twice to a Desperate Ravings.

Joey Pasco

In the weeks leading up to banned and restricted announcements, my friends and castmates frequently refer to me as Matt Banstuber. I’ve been known to hone in on cards which seek to threaten the stability and balance of our favorite Constructed formats. Keeping true with this dogma, when a format solves itself and deters creativity, I will seek to remove cards to restore the rule of law. It seems only fitting that my favorite format is cube. I am the sole protector and judge of my realm.

I am a member of the Azorius Senate, and I am tasked with the order Ravnica.

Matt Kranstuber

I am Simic. Basically, Simic is the Ravenclaw equivalent of the guilds…and I’m a Ravenclaw as well! Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest pleasure, and no guild lives up to that credo of cleverness and intelligence more than the Simic.

Reuben Bresler