Fishing Lessons – PTQ Video Walkthrough: Turboland

The Open Series comes to St. Louis!
Tuesday, June 22nd – I decided to do something a little different this week. Instead of writing a normal article, I recorded my Magic Online PTQ matches and commented over them. There are a lot of tricky plays to the deck and I felt like there were a ton of lessons to be learned from each match I played, so I felt it was a good idea to share it with the public.

I decided to do something a little different this week. Instead of writing a normal article, I recorded my Magic Online PTQ matches and commented over them. There are a lot of tricky plays to the deck and I felt like there were a ton of lessons to be learned from each match I played, so I felt it was a good idea to share it with the public.

I played the Turbo-land deck that LSV recently got 2nd with at the Open. The deck is very powerful and is growing in popularity.

Before I get to the videos, I wanted to apologize for not responding in the forums last week. I have been super busy getting my stuff together and my household has been mayhem as well. Part of the reason I did a video article this week is my lack of time to sit and write.

Anyway, I wanted to thank everybody for their kind words. In the forums, as well as in every other way of contacting me, people were thanking me and complimenting me for writing the piece that was published last week. I knew when writing it that it was a very personal piece, and am very glad it was so well-received. My facebook page exploded much like the forums, and I received multiple messages on Twitter and even an email* about the article, so thank you all for taking the time to show how much you appreciate it as it is things like that which make writing worthwhile.

* The surprising thing about the e-mail is I have no idea how they got my e-mail address as I’ve never published it.

Anyway, some quick responses to the forums: I’m already on anti-depressants but a very low dosage by design. Part of my attitude turnaround has been to be more active and eat better, as I know it is all a total package of health; mental and physical. I’ve even started playing Magic Online sooner than I thought I would, and it was out of a love of the game and not out of boredom or feeling of necessity. I had a lot of fun and was able to spot a lot of my own mistakes and start improving again, which is a huge improvement.

Not only is that a huge improvement, but the speed at which it has come along is surprising and definitely inspiring.

So thank you again for all of your words of support and empathy, as well as your expressions of appreciation for the piece. It means the world to me that people are enjoying and getting something out of what I write, and it always puts a smile on my face to see the little facebook “like” feature showing my own article in my news feed.

Anyway, onto the videos:

Round 1, Game 1

Round 1, Game 2

Round 2, Game 1

Round 2, Game 2

Round 3, Game 1

In this next game, I mulligan a hand that many people would keep. In a lot of matchups I would keep it as well, but against Mythic Conscription, you need cards like Oracle and Lotus Cobra to get you to win fast enough.

Round 3, Game 2

Round 4, Game 1

Round 4, Game 2

Round 5 Game 1

Round 5, Game 2

Round 5, Game 3

Round 6, Game 1

Round 6, Game 2

Round 6, Game 3

Round 7, Game 1

Round 7, Game 2

Round 7, Game 3

Round 8, Game 1

Round 8, Game 2

So there it is. I hope you enjoyed our little break from the usual. If you’re interested in me doing something like this again at some point when I don’t have anything urgent to write about, let me know in the forums and I’ll keep it in mind.

See you next week.

AJ Sacher