Editor Swimming in a Sea of Submissions

Due to the holidays equating to shorter weeks around here, I’m running a bit behind getting articles edited and put up on the site. When you combine the holidays with a bounty of New Year’s submissions and certain people consistently turning in thirty-plus page articles *ahem*Tan*ahem*, you can see how this might happen.

Due to the holidays equating to shorter weeks around here, I’m running a bit behind getting articles edited and put up on the site. When you combine the holidays with a bounty of New Year’s submissions, and certain people consistently turning in thirty-plus page articles *ahem*Tan*ahem*, you can see how this might happen. I hope to have all of this cleared up by the weekend, but I just wanted to let those of you waiting on yay or nay decisions for their submissions to hang tight and I’ll get to you as soon as possible.

The good part is that their should be plenty of depth in the content for the next couple of weeks. Keep em coming folks… we’re only as good as the people that write for us.

Thank you,