Ask Ken, 05/25/2004

Ken, settle a debate for us… Is Tooth and Nail an Aggro deck, a Combo deck, or a Control deck?

Hi, and thanks for joining us for another installment of Ask Ken. I’m your host, Ken Krouner. That strange tapping I hear can mean one of only two things. Either the wife is mad at me for sitting in front of the computer, or it’s time for a little Reader Mail! Hey! Glad to know I didn’t get married without knowing it… again.

Today’s letter comes to us from Patrick Duvall. Patrick writes:

Hey KK,

Last Friday there was a debate about whether the Tooth and Nail decks are Combo or Aggro in nature. I said they were combo because the player tries to set up with cards like Reap and Sow to get Cloudposts and then go off by casting tooth and nail one turn, and then winning. Some of my friends however say that since Tooth and Nail tries to drop huge creatures ASAP and smash face it is aggro. There was also a guy saying it was control.

Thx, Patrick Duvall

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the last guy that you mentioned in passing is correct. Most Tooth and Nail decks operate like a White control deck casting Tooth and Nail as the finisher. I understand the argument for a combo deck, but in truth there is only one card involved in”going off.” Since there is only one card, it is hard to call it a combo. There is a combo in the deck in the form of Leonin Abunas and Platinum Angel, but this represents only a soft lock.

I don’t understand how anyone can call it an aggro deck. Perhaps the mono-Green versions packing Elves and Skullclamps could be viewed this way, but by in large there is nothing at all to support the stance that this deck is aggro. It has next to no creatures in it, and applies no pressure until the end game.

All decks have small aspects of all types of decks. Would you consider Goblins a control deck because it has Electrostatic Bolt and Gempalm Incinerator? I didn’t think so.

The source on correcting the world,


That’s all for today. Keep tuning in for the closing of May, and an extra special guest columnist. G’night Everybody!


Hi and welcome to the last full week in my third month. Thanks for your support. I’m your host, Ken”Bartles and James” Krouner. That odd spinning sensation can mean one of only two things. Either I have drunken myself into a stupor once again, or it’s time for a little Reader Mail! Hey!

Today’s letter comes to us from Joel Christman of Delaware. Joel writes:

Hello Ken!

As Magic players and ambassadors, is it our responsibility to support Wizards’ new”baby Magic” card game: Duelmasters? Or can I treat it like Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon? Do you think Magic players have an obligation to support other games (and especially Wizards’ games) and gamers even if we don’t like those games and think everything else pales in comparison to Magic’s greatness? I would also be curious about your 5″best” and”worst” games out there, excluding MTG.


Delaware, USA

In answer to your first question, games are meant to be fun. If you find a game that is fun, play it. If not, don’t. You have no obligation when it comes to games.

As for the five best games.

5. Poker. This game combines gambling, strategy, human nature, and math all in one. It appeals to a great number of people, making it unique in this way.

4. Monopoly. A true American classic. Redefined a genre.

3. Werewolf. The party game that take a minute to learn and a lifetime to master.

2. Truth or Dare. Come on, how else can a game get some play from a girl?

1. Survivor. The TV based strategy/political game that created reality TV. This is without a doubt the best game ever created.

Worst games are harder to pick. A bad game isn’t really a game and has a way of disappearing. I consider it a form of natural selection. Only the strongest games survive. Magic has the time tested appeal that you need to stay alive in the game world. Could Marvel prove to challenge its undisputed number one status in the CCG Genre? Who knows? I do know this – However long it lasts, Magic is true mastery.

The source on all games.


That’ll do it for tonight. This should prove to be one of the best weeks of Ask Ken yet. But if you think you have a question that can beat out some of the ones I have on slate for this week, go ahead and send them in. I am going to work on getting a really good guest for you this week too. G’night everybody!