Ask Ken, 03/22/2003

I have just realised that I have never played in a Team Sealed event before, and Team PTQs are coming, so what strategies do I have to employ to do well in such an event?

Well a new week is dawning and so is another action packed, fun-filled edition of Ask Ken. I am sure that the lack of a question on Friday had you all so deep in depression that you may never come out of it. A little glitch in communications fouled things up, but Friday’s question will be posted today, as I am sure you have already read!

Anyway I am babbling, so there is only one way to save my sorry ass here. I need to answer a little Reader Mail! Hey!

Today’s letter comes to us from that tiny island of criminals with some of the lowest crime rates in the world, Australia. Shane Dalliston writes:

GDay KK from Down Under,

 I have just realised with the Team Pro Tour Seattle Qualifier approaching fast here in Melbourne that i have never played in a team sealed before so what stratagies do i have to employ to do well in such an event?  I am also interested in how what stratagy you would have for the rochester finals in regards to what colours you try to force in each of your seats (or if you force at all)?

Thanx Ken.


Shane Dalliston

I think my biggest tip for Sealed is not to determine who will play what deck ahead of time. However, you should determine who has the most skill at building what decks. Each of you should take the general cards for a certain deck and begin to build. Once the decks are done for the most part, determine who will play what. This cuts down on greediness in deck building. Once the decks are in the hands of their players, final decisions on 23rd and 24th cards can be made.

The specific dividing of the colors can be tricky, especially in this format. Even trickier than that, is determining which artifacts go where. Building in this format should be more archetypal rather than color based. Look for synergies in cards rather than colors.

As for the team Rochester, the best I can tell you is to put your Black drafter on the left so he gets three picks from the Darksteel pack and your Green drafter on the right so he doesn’t miss anything from the last pack.

Above all though, keep morale up. If your partner makes a mistake, don’t dwell on it. If he sees it, great, easy to move on. If he refuses to see it, let it go. This will be difficult, but it won’t do the team any good to be fighting about it. And believe me, I know a thing or two about teammates not seeing their mistakes… I teamed with MikeyP for God’s sake!

The source for team strategy,


Don’t let that last sentence fool you, I have much love for the good doctor, but he is not a man who likes to admit he is wrong. I mean look at those outfits! I hope you all can have an enjoyable teams experience. It is a season to have fun with friends. Join us tomorrow, when I discuss why Good Man of the Week moved over here. G’night everybody!