
Top Three Multiplayer Saviors Cards — The Winner, And This Week’s Challenge!

Last week’s challenge was to find the top three Saviors of Kamigawa multiplayer cards, and the winner — after several weeks of second-place finishes — is Edd Black, for his excellent and amusing work on One For Timmy! One For Johnny! And This One’s For Spike! Thus, Edd wins the $20!

Next week’s challenge?

I Coulda Been A Contender.

Now that Regionals is over and we will know shortly what decks came out on top, tell us about your crazy Regionals decks that didn’t work because Deck X was too strong. This is not a request for your tourney report, nor an explanation of how Homura, Human Ascendant almost worked in your Big Red deck. No, we want the craziest, the roguest ideas for Standard decks that utterly failed because Tooth and Nail was too strong or you couldn’t win against Mono-Blue Control to save your life. Tell us why your strangest deck utterly failed to make the grade, and you could win $20! Send your article into Mail us at https://sales.starcitygames.com/contactus/contactform.php?emailid=2 today!

Last week’s challenge was to find the top three Saviors of Kamigawa multiplayer cards, and the winner — after several weeks of second-place finishes — is Edd Black, for his excellent and amusing work on One For Timmy! One For Johnny! And This One’s For Spike! Thus, Edd wins the $20!

Next week’s challenge?

I Coulda Been A Contender.

Now that Regionals is over and we will know shortly what decks came out on top, tell us about your crazy Regionals decks that didn’t work because Deck X was too strong. This is not a request for your tourney report, nor an explanation of how Homura, Human Ascendant almost worked in your Big Red deck. No, we want the craziest, the roguest ideas for Standard decks that utterly failed because Tooth and Nail was too strong or you couldn’t win against Mono-Blue Control to save your life. Tell us why your strangest deck utterly failed to make the grade, and you could win $20! Send your article into [email protected] today!