MTGCast #187 – Rosie’s Scanipies

The Open Series returns to Dallas/Fort Worth!
Thursday, December 31st – In this week’s edition of MTGCast, the guys talk about Zendikar drafting, EDH, Dragon Shields, the upcoming PTQ schedule, and more.

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MTGCast #187 – Rosie’s Scanipies
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
It’s another light holiday magic news week, but we have a few items to discuss AND a bunch of entertaining quasi-MTG related holiday memories. Links to the January 10, 2010 updates to the Tournament Rules, Infraction Procedure Guide (IPG) and IPG Reference Chart. The MTGO PTQ schedule for PT San Juan 2010 is now up. Check out the discussion of the possible demise of Dragon Shields and the response from Arcane Tinmen over on MTGSalvation. Also, here is the rapidly devolving discussion over on MTGS mentioned by Jack titled “I am not trying to lose the game” which is definitely worth reading.

What Have We Been Playing?
Conley talks about some Zendikar drafting. Tom is dabbling some different EDH generals in his head. Steve and Jack had a relaxing holiday season.

Listener Emails
Picture of the fake foil Beta MTG cards. Here is our happy christmachanukawanza-solstice MTG card from a listener. Link to Andrew W’s article on card design over on Mana Nation. Behold the amazing website! More about Zartan from G.I. Joe. And yes, a link to a picture of Rosie O’Donnell. Here is Tom’s videos exploring Regent, ND and the “Teddy Rides Again” sculpture on the Enchanted Highway.

MTGCast News
Woo Woo! for MTGCast with over 8,600,000 hits since we starting recording server logs in March (that’s over 10 hits for every person in North Dakota per the July 2008 census data). We also want to say welcome to our newest sponsor, Gone To Plaid at! Congratulations to the Proffessors for reaching episode 100 with a stellar show and check it out here.

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