
MTG Head Designer “Very Optimistic” Of Return To Bloomburrow

Mark Rosewater all but guarantees another expansion set on Bloomburrow

Valley Questcaller illustrated by Steve Prescott

After an incredibly popular preview season and release, a return to Bloomburrow is about as close to a lock as possible.

Mark Rosewater, the Head Designer for Magic: The Gathering, answered a question on his Blogatog about Bloomburrow’s rating on the Rabiah scale, leading him to say he is “very optimistic” of a return to the all-animalfolk centered set.

Bloomburrow, which released on August 2 and quickly became a fan favorite, offered Magic fans a cuddly and cute setting that has long been requested. Scoring a 2 out of 10 on the Rabiah scale puts Bloomburrow only behind planes like Dominaria, Ravnica, and Innistrad, which have become regular settings for expansions. The Rabiah scale is similar to Rosewater’s Storm scale, which rates mechanics on the likelihood of them returning, but for planes. The lower the number, the higher the chances of the world being used again in a future set. A rating of 2 roughly translates to “will definitely see again, but not necessarily right away.”

The Storm Scale is named after the problematic mechanic originally from Scourge, while the Rabiah Scale is named after the plane that was home to the Arabian Nights set. Because Arabian Nights was based off the One Thousand and One Nights collection of stories, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) doesn’t own the IP and therefore will most likely not return to the world.

Now players get to wait and see how long it takes before the return to Bloomburrow is officially announced.