
Draft Digest: Return To Sender

Just because Grand Prix Richmond is in the books doesn’t mean we’re putting the packs away! Grab a seat and draft some Amonkhet with Ryan Saxe!

Draft Digest: What In Oketra’s Name?

Choices, choices! Is Bounty of the Luxa the right card to start a draft? And when three great white Zombies show up in a row, is it the right time to commit with In Oketra’s Name? Practice for your Grand Prix Richmond weekend with Ryan Saxe!

Draft Digest: Trial Of Consensus

Last week’s Amonkhet Draft picks proved controversial! Ryan Saxe shares his finding since then and serves up two more perplexing packs ahead of GP Richmond this weekend!

Draft Digest: Amonkhet It!

Ryan Saxe is having a blast with Amonkhet Limited! This draft, however, isn’t going so well. What’s the right pick to salvage a sticky situation? Get ready for GP Richmond next weekend!

Draft Digest: Let The Trials Begin!

With Amonkhet prize packs in hand, Ryan Saxe is ready to start the Trial of Draft! What’s his first pick from an intriguingly loaded starting pack, and how will he follow it up?

Draft Digest: The Horror. The Horror.

If you want a head start on this Amonkhet Limited format, you’re going to need to consult Ryan Saxe! He’s already hard at work on the format that will send a huge number of players to the Pro Tour by way of Grand Prix Richmond!

Draft Digest: Bring On Amonkhet!

With all of Amonkhet known, Ryan Saxe has mocked up some packs for your perusal! Take your first dive into the possibilities of Amonkhet Draft and get ready for this all-new Limited format!

Draft Digest: Amonkhet Mechanics

Ryan Saxe may not have packs of Amonkhet, but he definitely has thoughts about the emerging Limited format! Today he talks the set’s main mechanics and how they’ll play at your Prerelease and beyond!

Draft Digest: Don’t Blink

After first-picking a Restoration Angel to make his opponents weep, Ryan Saxe has some tricky follow-up picks in this Modern Masters 2017 draft!