WotC Unveils Packaging and Contents of Commander Collection: Green

Check out the contents of Magic’s newest Commander product green mages!

On Saturday, August 22, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) unveiled the packaging and contents of Commander Collection: Green, a boxed set of eight reprinted cards themed to one color — green in this instance — and what it does best — “the color of big mana and big creatures”. Commander Collection: Green contains cards that “have been selected to showcase the things green mages love to do in Commander” and each card in the collection “has been given brand-new art with loads of references to popular legendary characters.

According to WotC, there are two versions of Commander Collection: Green — a regular edition and a premium edition. “All member of the Wizards Play Network (WPN) will be able to order the regular version, which contains all eight cards in non-foil” while the premium edition “will be exclusive to WPN Premium stores and will contain all eight cards in gorgeous foil”

Commander Collection: Green will be available in English at local game stores beginning December 4, 2020

Commander Collection: Green (Regular)

Commander Collection: Green (Premium)

Read the original article by Wizards of the Coast