Wizards of the Coast (WotC) announced the Love Your LGS promotion today, a program aimed to reward those who shop or play at their local game store once it is safe to do so.
Starting on June 5, stores will be able to distribute copies of the promo Reliquary Tower, a new Mechagozdilla themed Hangarback Walker buy-a-box card, and a special Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths art print.
All it takes to get the Reliquary Tower promo card is make any purchase or enter any event at your store (limit one per customer). To obtain the buy-a-box Hangarback Walker, do exactly that and purchase a box of any Magic set – even Mystery Boosters (not limited to one per customer).
Finally, once it is safe to gather, anyone that plays in a Love Your Local Game Store event is eligible to get an art print while supplies last.
Read the original article.