Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has released the dates for the upcoming Zendikar Rising Championship and Kaldheim Qualifier Weekend.

The Zendikar Rising Championship is currently scheduled to take place December 4-6, 2020 and is comprised of the players of the MPL and Rivals League as well as competitors who battle their way through MTG Arena qualifiers. These players will be competing for a prize pool of $250,000, a spot in the Challenger Gauntlet and an “opportunity to join the league next year.”

Qualifier Weekend | Format | Qualification Method from Ranked Play | Qualifies For |
October 24-25, 2020 | Standard Constructed | Finish in the Top 1,200 in Limited or Constructed in September 2020 Ranked Season | Zendikar Rising Championship |
November 7-8, 2020 | Standard Constructed | Finish in the Top 1,200 in Limited or Constructed in October 2020 Ranked Season | Zendikar Rising Championship |
December 19-20, 2020 | Historic Constructed | Finish in the Top 1,200 in Limited or Constructed in November 2020 Ranked Season | Kaldheim Championship |
January 16-17, 2021 | Historic Constructed | Finish in the Top 1,200 in Limited or Constructed in December 2020 Ranked Season | Kaldheim Championship |
February 27-28, 2021 | Standard Constructed | Finish in the Top 1,200 in Limited or Constructed in January 2021 Ranked Season | Kaldheim Championship |
Read the original article from Wizards of the Coast.