Mutate Confusion Cleared Up By Rosewater

Mutate is a complex mechanic, but luckily Mark Rosewater has cleared up some of the confusion!

Since the debut of mutate in Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths on Thursday, questions about the mechanic’s complexity have been rampant. If you were confused on the functionality of the new mechanic, don’t worry, even the Head Designer of Magic: The Gathering, Mark Rosewater, slipped up today in his article More Than Meets the Ikoria.

In his introduction and story behind how mutate came about, Rosewater mistakenly noted that if a mutated creature’s other half died, the remaining half would stay on the battlefield similar to how bestow used to work. The section of the article (which has been removed from the current version) had many people on Twitter asking for clarification after a previous article breaking down the mechanics stated otherwise.

Rosewater responded quickly on Twitter and updated his blog with a clarification and apology.

For a quick recap on how mutate works, check out the mechanic introduction video.