Magic Online (MTGO) user GoDennison won the Ikoria Limited Super Qualifier on Friday after drafting a Lurrus Orzhov deck in the Top 8.
Creatures (13)
- 2 Savai Sabertooth
- 2 Garrison Cat
- 1 Regal Leosaur
- 1 Drannith Healer
- 2 Maned Serval
- 1 Boot Nipper
- 2 Serrated Scorpion
- 2 Whisper Squad
Lands (15)
Spells (12)
- 1 Pacifism
- 1 Corpse Churn
- 1 Dark Bargain
- 1 Dire Tactics
- 2 Swallow Whole
- 2 Spontaneous Flight
- 1 Easy Prey
- 1 Coordinated Charge
- 2 Solid Footing
- 1 Ivy Elemental
- 1 Cathartic Reunion
- 1 Blazing Volley
- 1 Dark Bargain
- 1 Insatiable Hemophage
- 1 Gloom Pangolin
- 1 Savai Crystal
- 1 Drannith Magistrate
- 1 Escape Protocol
- 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den
- 1 Vulpikeet
- 1 Blade Banish
- 1 Perimeter Sergeant
- 2 Solid Footing
- 1 Crystacean
- 1 Titans' Nest
- 1 Sudden Spinnerets
- 1 Suffocating Fumes
- 1 Heightened Reflexes

GoDennison demonstrated that Lurrus of the Dream-Den is just as powerful in Limited as it is in Constructed. In another companion-aided Limited Super Qualifier win, GoDennison had plenty of removal and great options to replay with Lurrus. Serrated Scorpion and Boot Nipper provide tough to beat creatures on constant recursion, while Corpse Churn can bring back Lurrus itself. GoDennison also had the combo of multiple copies of Maned Serval and Solid Footing.
GoDennison beat Moforino 2-1 on a Sultai Mutate deck in the finals, filled with three copies of Trumpeting Gnarr, along with Pouncing Shoreshark, Glowstone Recluse, Cavern Whisperer, and Archipelagore.
View the final standings and all decklists.