Faerie Miscreant Temporarily Banned In Pauper

Check out the updates and new events coming soon to Magic Online.

Faerie Miscreant illustrated by Steven Belledin

As part of an ongoing series of weekly changes, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has announced the updates and changes for Week 7 of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt on Magic Online.

Faerie Miscreant Temporarily Banned In Pauper

Faerie Miscreant

Due to a bug that causes Faerie Miscreant to trigger on its own, WotC has temporarily banned the card from Pauper. A fix won’t be released until the release of Innistrad: Crimson Vow on Nov. 10.

No Action To Be Taken In Legacy And Vintage

With Eternal Weekend events coming to Magic Online on Nov. 19-21 and Nov. 26-28, WotC tweeted that there will be no bans or restrictions for Legacy or Vintage prior to the events. The tweet said that they will be watching the event closely and look at potential changes afterward.

Modern Horizons 2 Drafts Return

Non-phantom Modern Horizon 2 Drafts will return to Magic Online on Nov. 3 and run through Jan. 5. The format has proven to be a fan favorite as players are still trying to get their hands on Modern Horizons 2 staples.

Upcoming Showcase Challenges

Saturday, November 68 AM PTShowcase ChallengePauperPauper Showcase Qualifier
Sunday, November 78 AM PTShowcase Challenge LegacyLegacy Showcase Qualifier
Saturday, November 138 AM PTShowcase Challenge ModernModern Showcase Qualifier
Sunday, November 146 AM PTShowcase Challenge PioneerPioneer Showcase Qualifier

Format Challenges

Format Challenges are scheduled to run every weekend for the foreseeable future and are the “first step to qualifying for Premier Play.” The schedule for upcoming Format Challenges can be found below:

12:00 AM Vintage Challenge
2:00 AMPauper Challenge 
4:00 AMLegacy ChallengeModern Challenge
6:00 AMStandard ChallengePioneer Challenge
8:00 AMModern ChallengeLegacy Challenge
10:00 AMVintage ChallengePauper Challenge
2:00 PMPioneer ChallengeStandard Challenge

Next Downtime

The next downtime is scheduled for November 10 at 9 AM through noon for the launch of Innistrad: Crimson Vow.

Read the original article from WotC.