Draft Challenge Returns To MTG Arena This Weekend

Check out the updates and new events coming soon to MTG Arena

Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant illustrated by Matt Stewart

Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has provided a series of important details about updates for MTG Arena.

Jumpstart: Historic Horizons Coming Soon

Almost 800 cards, including 31 new-to-Magic cards, hits MTG Arena on August 12 with the launch of Jumpstart: Historic Horizons. Players will pick two packets of themed cards, jam them together, and play against other players doing the same. Entry fee is 2,000 gold or 400 gems and players receive rare or mythic ICRs for their first two wins. See the new-to-Magic cards here.

Backend Update and Downtime

MTG Arena will be down for a few hours on August 10 for scheduled downtime and backend changes. MTG Arena should be back online by 2 PM ET/11 AM PT. The ranked season will be split into two separate seasons with the first ending on August 10.

Draft Challenge Returns

The Draft Challenge aimed for competitive players returns on August 7-10, featuring Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Entry is 20,000 gold or 3,000 gems and players play best-of-three matches until they reach six wins or two losses. Prizes are listed below:

6 wins4 Player Draft Tokens + 20 Packs
5 wins 3 Player Draft Tokens + 15 Packs
4 wins 3 Player Draft Tokens + 10 Packs
3 wins2 Player Draft Tokens + 6 Packs
2 wins 1 Player Draft Token + 3 Packs
1 win 1 Player Draft Token
0 wins No rewards

Yawning Portal Continues

The Yawning Portal event runs through August 10 where players can earn rulebook card styles for creatures in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. The Standard singleton event has a special emblem where whenever you cast your second spell in a turn you venture into the dungeon.

Upcoming Events

Midweek Magic

  • August 3-5: Standard Singleton
  • August 10-12: Momir
  • August 18-19: One For All (Historic singleton with no ban list)

Quick Draft

  • July 23-August 10: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
  • August 10-August 27: Kaldheim
  • August 27-September 10: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Other Events

  • July 30-August 10: The Yawning Portal
  • August 7-8: Qualifier Weekend
  • August 7-10: Draft Challenge
  • August 12-September 9: Jumpstart: Historic Horizons

Read the original article from WotC.