Weekly MTG Reveals First Round Of Innistrad Remastered Previews

Check out all the previews from today’s Weekly MTG stream

Liliana of the Veil illustrated by Martina Fackova

Today’s Weekly MTG stream offered the first major wave of previews for Innistrad Remastered, giving players a look at many of the iconic reprints, Booster Fun treatments, and more.

Blake Rasmussen was joined by Athena Froelich, a product architect on the latest iteration of Remastered sets for Magic: The Gathering, to provide a healthy dose of previews before the official preview season kicks off in the second week of January.

The product lineup for Innistrad Remastered is pretty simple with only Play Boosters and Collector Boosters.

The first previews were commons and uncommons, including a couple rarity downshifts for cards like Cackling Counterpart and Triskaidekaphobia.

Next up were a couple of rare Spirits that are fixtures for the Pioneer deck — Mausoleum Wanderer and Spell Queller.

For the first time, a Remastered set will include a handful of cards not originally printed in a set based on world that is being remastered. These cards either take place on Innistrad but came from another set or are reprints with new flavor to capture the feel of Innistrad.

Invasion of Innistrad is pretty clearly an Innistrad card while Mass Hysteria has an Innistrad mood with the new art and flavor text.

Some mythic rares in the set include Emrakul, the Promised End, Archangel Avacyn, The Meathook Massacre, and Edgar Markov.

Edgar Markov is also the headliner for the set. There will be 500 serialized movie poster treatments of the legendary Vampire only available in Collector Boosters. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of normal and alternate frame versions of Edgar Markov littered throughout the set.

Edgar isn’t the only card to receive the movie poster treatment, however. Emrakul, the Promised End and The Meathook Massacre are a couple of the others that get the Booster Fun style, but it is notable the movie poster cards are only available in Collector Boosters.

And you can’t have a Remastered set these days without retro frame cards. And this time around we get DFC retro frames. Each Play Booster and Collector Booster will have a guaranteed slot for DFC cards, but foil DFC retro frame cards will also only be in Collector Boosters.

The retro frame goodness doesn’t stop there, take a look at Emrakul, the Promised End, The Meathook Massacre, Edgar Markov, and many others in the retro treatment.

There will also be five cards only on the retro bonus sheet, two of which are Snapcaster Mage and Liliana of the Veil.

Check out the Showcase Fang treatment that will be used on select Vampires and the Showcase Equinox Treatment used on Werewolves.

Borderless cards also make a return in Innistrad Remastered. A sample of the new illustrations can be seen below.

For more information on Play Booster and Collector Booster contents read the Collecting Innistrad Remastered article from Wizards of the Coast.

Innistrad Remastered is scheduled to release on January 24, 2025.