
Oko’s Gang Finds Tarnation, Akul In Episode 4 Of Outlaws Of Thunder Junction Story

Barroom brawl leads to the gang facing Akul and an unlikely duel proposition

Illustrated by Fariba Khamseh

Episode 4 of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction story picks up with Oko’s gang regrouping at a campfire following the retrieval of the Outcaster from the Sterling Company’s possession. Geralf stitches Umezawa’s wound, while Ashiok begins looking through Nolan’s mind for secrets via his memories. Ashiok learns that the artifact the gang stole from the Graywater compound is the sixth key needed to unlock the vault of Maag Taranau and Akul wears the other five around his neck in a medallion. They also discover a map to Tarnation is buried in Thief’s Folly, which Gisa reveals is a graveyard for prospectors.

Oko says they need to head back to the saloon and then discuss sending Gisa and Geralf to the graveyard. Kellan insists that they need to escort Nolan to safety rather than leave him on his own in the middle of the desert. Annie Flash volunteers to help Kellan get Nolan to an oasis, where he will then be able to make it home safely. Kellan and Annie make some small talk, gather Nolan and Fortune, and head out on their trip to return the Outcaster to safety.

The story continues back at the saloon after Kellan and Annie returned Nolan and Gisa and Geralf found the map to Tarnation. Oko and Vraska check out the map, noting that the vault floats above the city of Tarnation. Oko plans the next step of their mission will be getting to Tarnation, infiltrating the Hellspurs by posing as members, then getting to Akul to steal the other five keys. The four members to impersonate Hellspurs will be Oko, Vraska, Annie, and Kellan — the other members of the crew will wait outside Tarnation until they manage to open the vault.

The foursome finds Tarnation and takes in the rocky, lava-laced city and spot the floating vault. They search multiple saloons looking for members of the Hellspurs’ inner-circle. At the fourth saloon, Annie spots Twist Fandango, a member of Akul’s gang. Vraska attempts to get close to Fandango at the bar, but Kellan accidentally sits in the wrong booth. Hellspurs question his reason for being in Tarnation and knock him down, so Oko intervenes. The confrontation quickly spirals into an all-out brawl in the saloon, which ends when Fandango and other members of Akul’s gang apprehend the four imposters. Fandango puts an axe to Oko’s throat and his disguise disappears. She identifies Oko as the fae Akul has been looking for. Akul’s gang ties up Oko, Kellan, Vraska, and Annie to bring them to Akul for some personal punishment.

Akul has the four imprisoned in the bottom of a quarry in Tarnation. The dragon visits his prisoners to see who has been causing him so much trouble. He identifies Annie and taunts her, confirming her nephew’s injury came from a sting from Akul himself. He takes the key from Oko and adds it to his medallion, revealing each separate piece was only a fragment of one, which was now compleated. In typical bad guy fashion, Akul tells the prisoners he intends to watch them suffer a slow death, but Kellan comes up with the idea of dueling the dragon. Akul laughs it off, but Oko, Annie, and Vraska buy into the strategy and mock Akul for dodging a duel with a child. After a barrage of insults, Akul takes the bait and agrees to a duel at midnight.

Read Episode 3: Finding Tarnation in full from Wizards of the Coast.