
Magic: The Gathering Retires Efreet Creature Type

MTG quietly retires creature type dating back to Arabian Nights

Plargg and Nassari, illustrated by Yigit Koroglu

Magic: The Gathering has revealed they will no longer be printing creatures with the type “Efreet.”

Magic Head Designer, Mark Rosewater, inadvertently announced this news in a response to a question posted on his Blogatog. Moving forward, creatures that would have been labeled as “Efreet” will be classified as Djinn, as they are traditionally similar within Islamic culture.

Atarka Efreet Bloodfire Expert Bloodfire Mentor Burning Palm Efreet Capricious Efreet Cheatyface Efreet Flamepainter Efreet Weaponmaster Emissary of Grudges Fickle Efreet Frenetic Efreet Harmattan Efreet Ifh-Biff Efreet Junun Efreet Najal, the Storm Runner Plargg and Nassari Rainbow Efreet Serendib Efreet Shah of Naar Isle Shimmering Efreet Smoldering Efreet Tempest Efreet Uktabi Efreet Uvilda, Dean of Perfection Veyran, Voice of Duality Wildfire Emissary Ydwen Efreet Yusri, Fortune's Flame

Across Magic’s 30 year history, only 28 creatures with the type “Efreet” have been printed, with the earliest (Ydwen Efreet) debuting in Arabian Nights, and the most recent (Veyran, Voice of Duality) coming in Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander.