Magic: The Gathering Banned And Restricted Card Lists

Your guide to the cards banned and restricted in the major MTG formats.

Wizards of the Coast (WotC), maker of Magic: The Gathering, bans cards when they are too powerful for a format or not fun to play against. These bans help keep players enjoying the game.

WotC maintains Banned and Restricted (B&R) lists for all formats with officially sanctioned play. In addition, the Commander Rules Committee maintains a B&R list for the Commander format.

Players cannot use banned cards at all in the formats that ban them. Vintage also has restricted cards. Players can use only one copy of a restricted card anywhere in a deck (maindeck or sideboard).

This page lists the banned and restricted cards for major Magic formats you might find at in-person events such as SCG CON. For the complete B&R lists, including for online-only formats such as Explorer, Historic, and Alchemy, please visit the WotC website.

Latest update: December 16, 2024 banning Jegantha, the Wellspring in Pioneer and Modern, The One Ring, Amped Raptor in Modern, Psychic Frog, Vexing Bauble in Legacy. Mox Opal, Green Sun’s Zenith, Faithless Looting, and Splinter Twin are all unbanned in Modern. The next Banned & Restricted announcement is scheduled for March 31, 2025.

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Banned Cards

There are currently no banned cards in Standard. All previously banned cards rotated out with the August 2, 2024 Standard rotation.

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