Product images for next year’s Innistrad Remastered set were listed on Amazon today, hours before the official reveal was set to take place at MagicCon: Las Vegas, revealing multiple Booster Fun treatments featured in the first Magic: The Gathering set release for 2025.

Innistrad Remastered is the next in a long line of Remastered sets that include reprints from every expansion from the headlining set. Some of the Booster Fun treatments include Movie Poster cards, retro-frame cards — including the first ever offering of double-faced retro-frame cards — and 500 serialized Edgar Markov cards.

Play Boosters have 14 cards with every pack containing a retro-frame card and a traditional foil card. Play Boosters will also include up to four rare or mythic rare cards. Collector Boosters have 15 cards, six of which are alternate-frame treatments. Each Collector Booster has a retro-frame card and up to four rares or mythic rares, but also have a shot at having the serialized Edgar Markov cards. The Collector Boosters feature Showcase treatments from Innistrad’s past, never-before-seen borderless art cards, and retro-frame and Movie Poster versions of beloved cards.
The listings note that the products will be released on January 24, 2025.