Commander Masters Reprints I’m Manifesting Under A Full Moon Ritual

Commander Masters has Chase Carroll willing to go to… unusual lengths to get some much-needed reprints. Which cards are on their list?

The Great Henge
The Great Henge, illustrated by Adam Paquette

A common joke inside the Magic: The Gathering community is that every Masters set is really Commander Masters. Eternal Masters, Modern Masters, Iconic Masters, it didn’t matter. The hum amongst LGSs was that it was Commander Masters this time…

…well, the mad Wizards (of the Coast) finally did it. Now we actually have a Commander Masters set. Previews set the internet aflame, as we have already been guaranteed pieces like Jeweled Lotus and The Ur-Dragon.

With this set slated to be released in the summer, my mind is already teeming with grubby little gremlin thoughts about what I am desperate to see pop up in my summertime boosties. Let’s take a trip to Magical Christmas Land and manifest these cards that I hope to see in Commander Masters.

1. The Medallion Cycle

Pearl Medallion Sapphire Medallion Jet Medallion Ruby Medallion Emerald Medallion

I am literally on my knees begging for this reprint to happen. I have been performing midnight witch rituals by the full moon, praying for this opportunity. These cards have only had a handful of reprints (Commander 2014, Commander Anthology, that Post Malone Secret Lair Jet Medallion), and they remain rather expensive. This cycle of cards has an even rarer misprint known as the “Charlie Brown” cards, and lemme tell you, those select few cards blow the other prices out of the water.

This elusive cycle is the mono-color commander player’s dream. As someone who has coveted their Ruby Medallion, I know the struggle of obtaining these pieces, especially the newer art. Old art, new art, I couldn’t care less. Heck, serve it to me in the middle of a ham sandwich and I’d say thank you.

2. Edgar Markov

Edgar Markov

Well, if it ain’t Daddy Markov himself! Sure, he’s looking a little crusty last we saw him in Crimson Vow, but let’s look back to fond memories of him in Commander 2017. Edgar is the ultimate Vampire commander. He doesn’t even have to leave the command zone to be considered a threat. Talk about being lazy. His original printing and Judge promo are the only iterations we have of this former bachelor. We need more. I might be phoning it in with this hopeful pick, as we are already guaranteed an Ur-Dragon. Maybe we will get the other eminence commanders as well? This writer sure hopes so.

3. Anointed Procession

Anointed Procession

Sadly, Anointed Procession has yet to escape the token-doubler curse created by Parallel Lives and Doubling Season. Sadly, it is a victim of it. Even being reprinted in The List hasn’t helped this price plummet. In fact, it seems to be rising steadily, with a new friend joining its ranks in Mondrak, Glory Dominus.

The card is super-simple. If you make one or more tokens, you make twice that many instead. As a proud owner of this card, I can tell you that it is worth the hype…but is it worth the price? It doesn’t help that most token strategies are predominantly green and white. While I would certainly love to see all token doublers reprinted, Anointed Procession needs it more than the others, I feel.

4. Esper Sentinel

Esper Sentinel

Eyyyyy, it’s Rhystic Buddy! I know this is a newer card, but you can’t deny how painful the price tag is. I used to think that it was an overrated card…and then I got the chance to finally play with one over the weekend. So much for thinking it was overrated because I couldn’t afford it. It’s a whopping$30!

What makes this card so desirable is its low mana value coupled with its ability to scale over time. Paying one mana is rather easy, but paying six extra for one noncreature spell? No, thanks. Call the IRS, because I refuse to pay those taxes. Who knew that drawing cards was good? Certainly not me! 

5. The Great Henge

The Great Henge

This card has never had a reprint. Not once… it’s so incredibly painful. Please, I will do more moonlit rituals to achieve this reprint for my green comrades. They need the win badly.

The Great Henge is a knockout of a card. You rarely cast it for nine mana, you’re able to generate mana, gain life, give your creatures counters, and draw cards. It literally does everything a Commander player could want. It’s gluttonous in all the right ways. As Kermit the Frog says, “It’s not easy being green.” 

6. Jeska’s Will

Jeska's Will

I know what you’re going to say. ‘This just had a reprint, Chase… also, your hair looks nice today.’ I know and I know, but Jeska’s Will is a red staple. I’m not a fan of using that term, but you can’t deny the sheer power of this card. Mana and pseudo-card draw are incredibly attractive, hence why it remains around a steady $18. This card was a smash hit when we first saw it in Commander Legends, which means it will be an even bigger hit in this set… I hope… please?

7. Finale of Devastation

Finale of Devastation

I forgot this card even existed. Why, you ask? Well, I think I blacked it out of my memory because it is currently sitting at $45! The foil version is almost $80! I get that it’s good. After all, it is definitely a ‘you win the game card’ in Commander. Who doesn’t love those? It’s a tutor and a mass buff, all in one. Heck, I used to play this in my Dinosaur deck back when I had one and it is an absolute house. Did I forget to mention that it gives your creatures haste until end of turn? Well, it does that too. I know we say that green gets everything, but what it hasn’t gotten yet are snazzy reprints. 

8. Extraplanar Lens

Extraplanar Lens

I’ll be honest, I never heard of Extraplanar Lens until I started streaming my deckbuilding. Every time I would brew a mono-colored deck, my chat would always recommend this card paired with snow basics. It’s like a universal Caged Sun, hence the frequent pairing; your opponents may have Mountains, but they can’t get that benefit unless they’re Snow Mountains. It’s evil, it’s genius, I love it, no… I need it. The only other printing this card has seen besides its original set is in the form of a Kaladesh Invention. And we are all aware of how accessible those are.

9. Urza’s Saga

Urza's Saga

Do I really have to say why this needs a reprint? Old man go brrrrrr. I know this card is also rather recent, but its power and popularity are insurmountable. The only reason I own one is because I cracked it in a prize pack at FNM. That’s how expensive it is. It’s a land, a body, and a tutor all in one. Hitting this card on Turn 1 can be essential to your victory in Commander, as it can snag you a Sol Ring or a Mana Vault. That huge of a lead is absolutely wild to me… which is why I love it and want to see it in a boostie, please.

10. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

Promos don’t count as reprints to me. There, I said it. [Copy Editor’s Note: Oh, now they tell me.]

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx has had a reprint in the form of a Premier Play promo, but sadly remains rather expensive. Even The List has yet to knock this iconic land down from its perch of luxury. Don’t even get me started on foil prices.

Nykthos is one of the most powerful legendary lands printed to date. Devotion is a powerful mechanic, and this card can essentially pump out as much mana as a Gaea’s Cradle when slotted into the right deck. Mono-colored decks need to catch a break, and I am hopeful we will see that happen in Commander Masters.

A Siren Song

I have no idea why Masters sets are such a siren song for me. Maybe it’s the reprints or the stunning new art. I have no idea. All I know is that when I see a Masters set, my feet start moving and I end up at my LGS, money in hand, babbling for a preorder six months in advance. We only just got a taste a few days ago and already I am feral for this set. Maybe I need to get a rabies shot…

Anyway, please let me know what you think of my desired cards and if there are any cards you wish to see pop up in boosties this summer as well. If you would like to join me in the woods for more witch rituals about Magic cards, we meet once a month under the full moon. Parking needs to be validated and it’s BYOB (bring your own broom). Happy manifesting, deckbuilders.