Cloud, Y’shtola, Tidus, And Terra Make Their MTG Debut In Final Fantasy Commander Decks

Iconic Final Fantasy characters make their MTG debut in upcoming Commander decks

Courtesy of Wizards of the Coast (WotC) and IGN, take a look at the iconic characters representing the Magic: The Gathering Final Fantasy Commander decks!

Revival Trance (Final Fantasy VI)

The Revival Trance deck is led by Terra, the heroine of Final Fantasy VI. This Mardu deck focuses on graveyard synergies and “reviving your fallen heroes.”

Limit Break (Final Fantasy VII)

Naturally, Cloud is the leader of the Final Fantasy VII Limit Break deck. This Naya deck revolves around weapon synergies and “raising your stats past 7 power.”

The Final Fantasy X Counter Blitz deck is led by Tidus and is inspired by one of Final Fantasy’s most iconic mini games — Blitzball. This Bant deck aims to put counters on your creatures and then “[pass] them around” as one does in a game of Blitzball.

Scions & Spellcraft (Final Fantasy XIV)

The fourth and final deck, Scions & Spellcraft, features the fan-favorite mage, Y’shtola, from Final Fantasy XIV. This Esper deck takes on a controlling role, requiring the player leverage their card advantage to become a “master caster.”

Each Magic: The Gathering Final Fantasy Commander deck will have a MSRP of $69.99 for the regular version and $149.99 for the Special Edition in which all 100 cards feature Magic’s surge foiling treatment.

Magic: The Gathering Final Fantasy is scheduled to release on June 13.

Read the original article from IGN.