Courtesy of Legend Story Studios (LSS), check out one of the Dragon Allies and how to conjure it from Uprising — Vynserakai!

Flesh and Blood has utilized double-faced tokens for armor, weapons, and heroes starting with Welcome to Rathe and even introduced the cold foil promo card for Bravo, Star of the Show from Everfest. Uprising goes a step further with DFCs that function in game. Invoke Vynserakai, a Draconic Illusionist Action – Invocation, is the front half of the card with the back half being Vynserakai, a Draconic Illusionist – Dragon Ally.
As a Draconic Illusionist Action – Invocation, Invoke Vynserakai is a card for Dromai. The new hero is described as “an Imperial Illusionist able to conjure the legendary dragons of Volcor out of aether and ash.” The mention of Ash is also notable, as the front half of Invoke Vynserakai says to “transform target ash you control into Vynserakai.” After a weekend of previews from the new set, we can see what Dromai, Ash Artist does and what exactly Ash tokens are.

Dromai is all about making Ash tokens and summoning Dragons via transforming those tokens through Invocations. Dragon Ally attacks have phantasm and function similar to the phantasm attacks from Prism, so the attack can be destroyed and the combat chain closed when they are defended by non-Illusionist attack actions cards with six or more attack. Vynserakai has one life and six attack along with the on-hit trigger of dealing three arcane damage to the hero it hit. Take a look at the marvel variant of Invoke Vynserakai below.

The cold foil marvel version is breathtaking and one of an unknown amount of cards getting the special treatment in Uprising. The first couple of days of Uprising preview seasons have been packed with Dragon Allies and they all come from Invocations, so it looks like Dromai will be the primary hero calling Dragons to her side. Fai, Rising Rebellion is also a Draconic hero, but he is a Ninja and the majority of previews for his class fall in line with attack actions you’d expect to see from a Ninja.
The official Uprising reveal earlier this year showcased the art of the three Dragons of Legend (Dracona Optimai, Dominia, and Tomeltai), but we’ve now seen a bunch of other dragons as well. Along with the Dragons of Legend, we’ve seen Nekria, Ouvia, Kyloria, and Azvolai — making Vynserakai the eight dragon revealed up to this point. How many more dragons will Dromai have access to? We can only wait to find out.
Check out all the Uprising previews and where to find them.