
Be The First To See All The Cards At The Flesh And Blood Rosetta World Premiere

Prepare for the Rosetta World Premiere happening this weekend at SCG CON Tampa Bay and check out a preview card from the set

Germinate illustrated by Carlos Cruchaga

After months of anticipation the Flesh and Blood community will finally see Rosetta in all of its glory at the World Premiere this weekend at SCG CON Tampa Bay.

Unlike previous World Premieres, most of the high rarity cards and treatments will be revealed for the first time as players crack packs and discover the new cards in the flesh and blood starting Friday at 10 AM. Rosetta preview season unveiled the heroes, common/token weapons and equipment, the commons and rares, and the expansion slot cards, but all of the Legendary cards, most of the Majestics, the Fable, and all of the Marvel treatments will be unveiled to the world as players find them in their Sealed pools.

Rosetta will be the game’s 14th expansion and bring players back to the beautiful world of Aria — a mythical sanctuary deep in the dense undergrowth where the forces of Earth and Lightning converge. We’ve already met the heroes, seen a majority of the lower rarity cards that will make up the bulk of Limited decks, and been introduced to the Macro — Sanctuary of Aria — that will be a player in every game of Rosetta Limited. But what incredible pieces of Legendary equipment will we find? What powerful Majestics will supercharge particular heroes? What will the lone Fable even do? And, of course, what will the Marvel treatment look like for this set?

The action-packed weekend kicks off with the World Premiere itself — a four-round Sealed Deck tournament where all participants receive an exclusive Sanctuary of Aria Playmat and an Extended Art Rainbow Foil Heartbeat of Candlehold. Learn the cards and battle it out as each win nets additional prize wall tickets.

Rosetta World Premiere

Format: Rosetta Sealed Deck

Structure: Four (4) rounds of Swiss

Time: 10:00 AM

Entry: $60 (All participants will receive an exclusive Sanctuary of Aria Playmat and an Extended Art Rainbow Foil Heartbeat of Candlehold.)


  • 4 Wins – 1200 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 3 Wins – 480 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 2 Wins – 360 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 1 Win – 240 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 0 Win – 120 Prize Wall Tickets

The remainder of Friday includes Armory Events and a Rosetta Sealed+ Promo Event for players that want a few more reps to prepare for the rest of the weekend’s festivities.

Rosetta Sealed+ Promo Event

Format: Rosetta Sealed (All players receive an Extended Art Rainbow Foil Fyendal’s Fighting Spirit for participating.)

Structure: Four (4) rounds of Swiss

Time: 6:00 PM

Entry: $50


  • 4 Wins – 1200 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 3 Wins – 480 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 2 Wins – 360 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 1 Wins – 240 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 0 Wins – 120 Prize Wall Tickets

With all of the cards revealed on Friday, players can get their competitive juices going with a Rosetta Limited Calling. This two-day, open tournament offers players the chance to compete for cash prizes, PTIs, gold foil promo cards, and more. All players get an Extended Art Rainbow Foil Fyendal’s Fighting Spirit for participating.

Calling: Tampa Bay

Format: Rosetta Sealed Deck + Rosetta Booster Draft


Day 1 – Rosetta Sealed. Swiss rounds based on attendance with a cut to Day 2Day 2 – Rosetta Booster Draft. Swiss rounds based on attendance with with a cut to Top 8

Day 1 Start Time: 10:00 AMDay 2 Start Time: 9:00 AM

Entry: $75

Prizes: All players receive an Extended Art Rainbow Foil Germinate

  • 1st: $5,000 USD, Gold Foil Extended Art Balance of Justice, Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI)
  • 2nd: $2,400 USD, Gold Foil Legendary Black Envelope, Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI)
  • 3rd-4th: $1,200 USD, Gold Foil Legendary Black Envelope, Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI)
  • 5th-8th: $750 USD, Gold Foil Legendary Black Envelope, Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI)
  • 9th-16th: $400 USD
  • 17th-32nd: $250 USD

Saturday also features a Rosetta Sealed+ Promo Event at 6 PM to cap the day.

Finally, on Sunday, a Rosetta Limited Battle Hardened gives players another shot at prize money, PTIs, a gold foil, exclusive playmats, and more. Battle through the Swiss rounds of Sealed Deck and take part in the Top 8 Draft to see which two players take home the PTIs.

Battle Hardened

Format: Rosetta Sealed Deck + Rosetta Booster Draft

Structure: Swiss rounds based on attendance, cut to Top 8 Booster Draft

Start Time: 9:00 AM

Entry: $60

Prizes: All players receive a three-card Extended Art Rainbow Foil Promo pack

  • 1st: $500.00, Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI), Random Gold Cold Foil Legendary, Exclusive Battle Hardened Playmat
  • 2nd: $500.00, Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI), Exclusive Battle Hardened Playmat 
  • 3rd-4th: $250.00, Battle Hardened Playmat 
  • 5th-8th: $125.00, Exclusive Battle Hardened Playmat  
  • 9th-24th: 500 Prize Wall Tickets

In addition to these marquee events, unique side events will be popping off all weekend. Commoner, Living Legend, Team Sealed, Full-Box Sealed, Blitz, Classic Constructed, and more are all on the schedule. There is even a learn to play booth set up to teach players the game so they can immediately jump into other events.

The previous World Premiere for Part the Mistveil sold out, so get your tickets now!

And how about a Rosetta preview as a treat?

Check out all of the cards previewed from Rosetta (so far) to prepare for the World Premiere.

Register for the Flesh and Blood Rosetta World Premiere events here. Check out the SCG CON Tampa Bay website for all events, prizes, schedules, special guests, and more.