
Twitch lives in Seattle and is a guide for The Underground Tour in Pioneer Square. She learned how to play Magic at Neutral Ground back in NYC.

Video: Mana Pool Party – Complaining

Welcome to Mana Pool Party! I am your host, Twitch, and today’s lesson in Magic etiquette will be about complaining…and when not to do it.

Mana Pool Party – Draft Etiquette, Sideboard Flirting

Twitch is back with an all-new, never-before-seen video! It’s short, sweet, and not at all serious–a good way to start any Monday.

Video: Mana Pool Party – Preview!

Twitch makes videos. She also loves Magic. These three short, sweet, and funny videos are a preview of what’s to come on! Check back Monday for a new, never-before-seen episode!