
AuthorTodd Stevens

Todd Stevens is one of the SCG Tour's most consistent players, specializing primarily in Modern. Five straight Open Top 8s, with two wins, when playing Modern from March to July of 2017 helped propel him to win 2017 SCG Tour Player of the Year, a title he's looking to defend in 2018.

Todd VS. Brad: U/W Approach VS. Ramunap Red

Watch Todd Stevens and U/W Approach battle Brad Nelson and Ramunap Red in a critical SCG Dallas matchup on VS!

The Top 20 Cards In Ixalan

The tradition continues! Due to popular demand, Todd Stevens is ranking the big SCG Dallas contenders! Some of his rankings may surprise you!

Stevens VS. Brad: G/U Midrange VS. G/R Dinosaurs

With SCG Dallas on the horizon, it’s time for more new Standard on VS! Can Todd Stevens’s intriguing G/U Midrange deck withstand Brad Nelson and G/R Dinosaurs?

How To Approach SCG Dallas

Todd Stevens may not live in Texas anymore, but it’s the state where he first made his mark in Magic! Who better to show you how to control the maverick mages in Standard for SCG Dallas?

Stevens VS. Brad: G/R Dinosaurs VS. B/U Pirates

When two tribes go to war, we film it for VS! Will Todd Stevens triumph with G/R Dinosaurs, or will Brad Nelson cut-lass him down with B/U Pirates? SCG Dallas is on the horizon!

The Cards That Can Beat TitanShift

TitanShift has risen to become the most-played deck in Modern tournaments, and SCG Louisville players must be prepared! Todd Stevens has your essential guide to the cards that can beat it!

Video: Abzan Humans In Modern!

Todd Stevens is forever learning and changing up his style in Modern, and he has the results to prove it! Watch him pilot Abzan Humans ahead of SCG Louisville!

Video: G/R Land Destruction In Modern!

SCG Louisville is one week away, and Todd Stevens is preparing for the Modern Open with a little G/R Land Destruction play on Magic Online! Is the deck ready for prime time? Watch and learn!

Stevens VS. Brad: Bant Eldrazi VS. TitanShift

Before Ixalan arrives, the SCG Tour is heading to Louisville for a Modern Open! Watch Todd Stevens and Bant Eldrazi spar with Brad Nelson and TitanShift to get you ready!

Grading Major Standard Decks For Grand Prix Washington DC

Todd Stevens may not be in the classroom anymore, but he’s ready to take Standard to school! Which decks will make the grade at Grand Prix Washington DC, and which will get sent to 0-X detention?

Video: W/B Sunmare In Standard!

On SCG Premium, Todd Stevens writes that he “was surprised at its power level.” Now watch him in action with the W/B Sunmare deck, just in time for the Standard-format Grand Prix Washington DC!

Stevens VS. Brad: B/U Control VS. Temur Energy

Todd Stevens thinks he has a Standard deck worthy of Grand Prix Washington DC in B/U Control! Their first test? Grand Prix Denver champion Brad Nelson and his winning Temur Energy deck! No pressure, Todd…

The Quest For The Best Collected Company Deck

Collected Company is in the conversation for Modern’s single most powerful card, but what’s the best way to build around it? Todd Stevens surveys the many recent successful decks and offers a surprising conclusion!

Stevens VS. The Boss: Naya Company VS. Human Company

Two Collected Company decks and not a Vizier of Remedies in sight! Will Todd Stevens triumph with the all-around card quality of Naya Company, or will Tom “The Boss” Ross and the synergies of Human Company take it down?

Modern As We Know It Today

Remember a month ago when Death’s Shadow was too good for Modern’s health? Suddenly, the metagame is twenty decks wide! Todd Stevens, perhaps the most accomplished Modern player in the business right now, teaches you the new things you need to know!