Todd VS. The Boss: Esper Control VS. The Gatewatch
Ready to see the world once Oath of the Gatewatch is unleashed? Welcome to the future! Todd and Tom brew up a couple of post-Oath specials for your entertainment!
Ready to see the world once Oath of the Gatewatch is unleashed? Welcome to the future! Todd and Tom brew up a couple of post-Oath specials for your entertainment!
#SCGCHAR is upon us, and you really can’t go wrong with either of these two powerhouse decks! Today, we have two powerhouse players showing you exactly how this matchup goes!
Rumors are circulating that a different sort of Grixis may be the way to go for the Modern Open at #SCGCHAR. Is this the build we’re looking for? Todd investigates!
Think you can only tax people to death in Legacy? Try again! Todd and Tom are here to test some new contenders to the #SCGCHAR Modern metagame!
He’s been on this train too long to get off now! See the #SCGPC finalist show you around the Standard archetype he’s spent the entire season mastering before #SCGCIN’s Classic!
Todd Anderson worked harder than he’s ever worked this year, and he has a runner-up finish at #SCGPC to show for it! Witness his before and after thoughts on the tournament he worked so hard for!
Modern is going to make up a huge portion of our #SCGINVI title picture, and you’d better be ready! Las Vegas is ready to roll, and these two decks are going to be a big part of the action!
Todd Anderson shoots straight about the stress of staying in the #SCGPC hunt, his deck selection for the #SCGINVI in both formats, and why he has stuck beside Jeskai Black through thick and thin.
The #SCGINVI features some great Modern action this weekend, and who knows which will do better among the fair decks and their unfair counterparts? Todd and BBD are on the case in this week’s latest VS Video effort!
These two Standard juggernauts are both worried about staying on top at #SCGDEN. Can they do it, or will something else be the new deck to beat? Todd and BBD investigate!
Esper Dragons is great when it’s great, but when it isn’t…not so much. So which will it be at #SCGDEN? We ask perhaps the greatest Open Series player of all-time, Todd Anderson, to figure it out for us!
This Standard format is ready to head to #SCGDEN to rock the Rockies this weekend! But before that, we need to do a little testing, and these two are up for the task!
Brad and Todd are excited to sleeve up Legacy for #SCGNJ! Watch as they test two decks flying just under the radar before the big Legacy weekend!
What do you do against a deck with over 30 uncounterable “spells”? BBD is about to find out as he jams the smallest big deck in Legacy against Todd’s Lands list in this #SCGNJ preview!
All-time Open Series Leader Todd Anderson has been on Jeskai Black since the opening bell of current Standard. You can’t ask for a better guide to help your #SCGKC chances!