
AuthorThe Ferrett

The Ferrett is webmaster of StarCityGames.com. And he is so made of awesome he glows at night.

The Weekly Shift Sift: Two Drafts You Meet In Heaven

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!The Ferrett drove seven hours to go to the opening of the new Star City Game center, and discovered something so wonderful that he’d gush about it even if he wasn’t employed by StarCityGames.com! But while he was there, he got in a pair of drafts where he got a crap deck and a good deck, and won with the wrong one.

The Weekly Shift Sift: The Auto-Build Draft

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!Here’s a confession for you: I am not good at drafting. It’s tough to admit that when “drafting” is the default mode of most serious Magic players, but I haven’t truly gotten a draft format under my belt since Invasion. But the Mana Gods understood my plight this weekend, and handed me a draft with picks that literally built my deck for me.

The Weekly Spiral File: The Stress-Medical Tournament Hitch

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!Strange events in The Ferrett’s life lead to a less-than-perfect tournament environment. Read on for a tale of ugly skin and heart-pounding plays!

The Weekly Timeshift Sift: When Old Friends Return

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!The new set is out, and it’s time y’all knew how I did at the Prerelease, futzing around with the glory of old cards… And the wonder of Time Shifted cards!

Time Spiral: The First Impressions!

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!Time Spiral’s out – and as usual, it’s a race to see which cards are as good as they look on paper, and which cards don’t quite measure up! Are Thallids any good? Should you build a Sliver deck? And how does all of this Flash stuff affect your game? Read on and find out The Ferrett’s first take on one of the most exciting new sets to arrive in years!

What Does A Street Fighter Champion Have In Common With Kai Budde?

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!There are a lot of tournaments involving complex games. Chess, Starcraft, Scrabble, you name it — someone is struggling to be the champion. The mechanics of the game vary, but the mentality it takes to master those mechanics (and then consistently convert strategies into wins) remains constant.

What David Sirlin is trying to do in this slim tome is to define that constant – to define the core elements that make someone a champion in any field. And what he discovers is both enlightening and frustrating….

New To Magic Online, But An Old Hand At Magic?

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com! So you’ve been slinging the paper cards for awhile, but just downloaded the Magic Online software. You might be under the illusion that Magic skill will translate directly to Magic Online skill… And unfortunately, you’d be wrong. You’ll dominate those who are remarkably worse than you are, of course – but all other things being equal, the person with more skill at navigating the Magic Online interface will win. So what tips and tricks does the beginning Magic Online player need to know to win?

The Weekly Guild Build: Pimp My MODO

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!The Ferrett, laid up sick after a long flight filled with foreign germs, plays thirty-five matches on a lazy Saturday afternoon and muses about Magic Online. And in addition to dissecting the usual Ravnica Block Sealed Deck, he asks you a vital question that might help others: How do you have MODO configured?

The Weekly Guild Build: How MODO Made Me A Jerk

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!I watched him flail his way through the traditional route of newbie mistakes; burning on excess mana because he didn’t know about the Alt-U “Undo” trick, zipping past phases he should have had stopped, and hitting the wrong creatures. It was a shame to watch.

But you know what was worse?

The fact that I didn’t help him at all.

The Weekly Guild Build: Back From Europe To Discuss Death

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!The Ferrett returns from Europe to discuss… death. Dying formats, dying comics, dying relatives, and endless, endless flights on planes. Which is not the standard method of writing “Welcome back” Magic articles, but hey! It has Ravnica cards, and talks about what it’s like to stay with Editor Craig Stevenson! What more do you want?

The Weekly Guild Build

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!This week’s article discusses the raging debates among proofreaders, then answers the question that’s on everyone’s lips: “Can someone who doesn’t play Magic edit a Magic article properly?” And if arcane discussions of grammar aren’t enough to get your mouths drooling, this article features a control deck in Ravnica Limited, plus one of the best “Winning the unwinnable game” stories ever!

The Weekly Chilled Build: The Wastelands of Coldsnap!

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!I arrived at the place I had been destined to go and found it a desolate wasteland. It was cold and deserted, an empty hall bereft of life…

No, I’m not writing fan fiction — that was what the Coldsnap prerelease looked like. There were almost no people, at least not compared to the packed tables of the Dissension prerelease. Where’d they all go? And what’s up with the deck I had to build in the interim?

The Weekly Chilled Build: Coldsnap!

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!The Coldsnap Prerelease has come and gone, and the cards that looked oh-so-good on the spoiler have been actually, you know, played. What Coldsnap cards were better than they appeared? (Hint: There were at least three Marit Lage deaths in The Ferrett’s prerelease flight.) What cards were worse? Click the link and find out!

The Weekly Guild Build: Happy Birthday To Me

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!In the days of yore, back when I was the managing editor of This Here Site Here, I used to hold an amnesty day, wherein all articles sent to me to be published on my birthday were published without any editing at all. This is now a proud tradition of StarCityGames.com, and it helps to make you all understand just how much work we do here to make the articles appear, you know, readable. But alas, what can I do to give myself a birthday prezzie in an article?

The Weekly Guild Build: How Children Drop Your DCI Rating

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!It’s a mixture of topics this week as The Ferrett opens a deck, opines upon his daughter, apologizes for the two wretched articles that got published last week, and discusses what the 8-0 decks from Grand Prix: Toulouse mean when you go to build your deck!