AuthorStuart Wright

Stuart is a mainstay on the Pro Tour, and one of the premier Constructed minds in the UK. Many of his decks have cut up the Pro Tour in the hands of high-profile players. He has numerous money finishes at both Pro Tour and Grand Prix level tournaments, and is regarded one of the strongest deckbuilders in the world.

Drafting Coldsnap With Stu

England’s finest Constructed mind, Stuart Wright, turns his eye to triple Coldsnap draft. Today’s article sees Stu share a number of winning strategies that have served him well at high-level events and on Magic Online. There’s something for everyone in this comprehensive article… is there a deck style for you?

The Standard Metagame

Stuart Wright, one of England’s finest deckbuilders and players, takes a romp through the Standard metagame in time for the approaching Nationals tournaments. He presents a breakdown of the more popular archetypes (with sample decklists) and provides some handy hints on how to play against these powerful, proven workhorses. A fine article, packed with solid advice.

U/R Vore for Standard

With Nationals just around the corner, it’s time to focus on the Standard scene and hone our weapon of choice. Today we have the thoughts of one of England’s premier Constructed minds, Pro Tour regular Stuart Wright. His personal choice for the strongest deck in the format? U/R Vore. Stu presents his own take on the deck, shares his sideboarding strategy, and runs through a few sample games. Looking for the perfect mana-denial strategy? Then read on…

The Road to Regionals – Control the Game: U/B Jushi

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

Today’s Road to Regionals article sees Stuart Wright disect a strong, counter-packed U/B Jushi Control deck. With the post-Dissension metagame slowly taking shape, does the card-drawing and countermagic power of this archetype pack a punch? With success in both the Team Standard metagame and the MTGO 8-man queues, is Dissension kind to this deck? Click here to find out more…

Wildfire Control for Champs

Pro Tour player and Vs. System Pro Circuit Top 8 member Stuart Wright takes a break from his Extended testing to explore the age old question: Is it possible to jam Gifts Ungiven into every deck archetype imaginable? In this specific case, Stuart’s musings focus on Wildfire Control for the upcoming Standard season.