AuthorShaheen Soorani

Shaheen Soorani is one of the most prolific control deck players and writers in Magic's history. With an astounding five straight SCG Invitational Top 8s, eleven SCG Tour Top 8s, and over 25 Pro Tours to his name, he continues to be one of the most respected Magic veterans in the game today.

Farewell From The Esper Professor

In his farewell to writing for SCG, Shaheen Soorani looks back on over fifteen years of Magical journeying, and forward to a new challenge.

The One Ring And Its Place In Modern Control

The One Ring has landed in Modern, and players everywhere are taking notice. Shaheen Soorani shares how he incorporated the card into his Azorius Control (Kaheera) list.

Top 5 Modern Control Cards Of The Lord Of The Rings: Tales Of Middle-earth

Shaheen Soorani shares his Top 5 Modern control cards from The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth. What has the best chance of seeing play, and in which decks?

Beating Best-of-One Standard With Dimir And Azorius Control

Love control? Short on time? Shaheen Soorani shares his Best-of-One control secrets for MTG Arena, including his post-banning Azorius Control list.

Azorius Control (Kaheera) For Modern Magic At SCG CON Baltimore

How does the single-elimination format of ReCQs affect MTG deckbuilding and strategy? Shaheen Soorani answers those questions for Azorius Control (Kaheera) at SCG CON Baltimore next month.

Preparing Pioneer Azorius Control For Regional Championship Qualifiers

Control master, Shaheen Soorani, breaks down his Azorius Control list for upcoming Pioneer RCQs

Dimir Control In March Of The Machine Standard

On the day March of the Machine debuts in Standard, Shaheen Soorani shares his Day 1 Dimir Control list and his thoughts behind the card choices.

March Of The Machine’s Top 10 Standard Control Cards

Shaheen Soorani still flies the control flag in Standard! Get his Top 10 picks for control cards in the new MTG set, March of the Machine.

New And Improved: The Latest On Modern Azorius Control

Looking for a control deck in Modern? Shaheen Soorani serves up his latest version of Azorius Control (Kaheera).

Azorius Control In Phyrexia: All Will Be One Standard

Tired of midrange mirrors in Standard? Shaheen Soorani has the Azorius Control list you need. Check out his mix of classics and surprising choices!

March Of The Machine Previews Bring New Magic To Standard

The early March of the Machine previews have Shaheen Soorani buzzing for the upcoming Standard. Which one is he most excited about, and why is it control finisher Jin-Gitaxias?

Why Modern Breach Magic Decks Gave Up Grinding Station

Shaheen Soorani breaks down Kenneth Oswald’s build of Izzet Breach and the changes he is considering for Modern MTG’s hottest new deck.

Top 10 Control Cards Of Phyrexia: All Will Be One

Shaheen Soorani counts down his Top 10 control cards of Phyrexia: All Will Be One. Can this set push control back into the Standard spotlight?

How Four-Color Control Became My Magic Deck For Legacy

If Modern doesn’t work out for Shaheen Soorani at SCG CON, he has a backup: Legacy! He explains the Four-Color Control list that is his Sunday Plan B.

My Modern Azorius Control List For SCG CON New Jersey

Shaheen Soorani looks to his first Modern MTG event of 2023, at SCG CON New Jersey, and how he arrived at his Azorius Control (Kaheera) list.