AuthorSean McKeown

Sean McKeown is renowned for his ability to take existing archetypes and improve them. His articles often end up influencing constructed metagames from States and Regionals to the Pro Tour itself.

Dear Azami – Heart Of Stone

This week Sean helps a reader fix problems with his Commander deck by changing its general and replacing cards that weren’t pulling their weight.

Pod People

Sean McKeown’s had some success recently in Modern PTQs with Kiki Pod. He goes in-depth into his build of the deck and provides a detailed matchup guide.

Dear Azami – Crossing The Streams

Sean shares his thoughts on how the competitive-cooperative dichotomy of Commander could be addressed.

Dear Azami – Octopus Prime

Sean reworks a reader’s Commander deck to please his Leviathan obsession while also catering to his desire to win the occasional game in this Dear Azami.

Dear Azami – Prime Directives

Sean gets in on the Gatecrash Commander fun by building a deck with Prime Speaker Zegana at the helm.

Dear Azami – Zuberacide

Sean modifies a reader’s Zubera-themed Commander deck to make it fun and comborific without going over the top.

Dear Azami – Commander Cube!

Take a look Sean’s latest project, Commander Cube, which combines the two most popular casual Magic formats.

Dear Azami – Season’s Beatings!

Two readers responded to Sean’s Christmastime reminiscence challenge to build a Livonya Silone Commander deck, making this a double feature.

Dear Azami – Focus On The End Game

Sean takes a much-needed break from working on mono-colored decks and makes some improvements to a reader’s Gwendlyn Di Corci Commander list this week.

Dear Azami – All The Combos, All The Time

Read what happens when Sean gives a reader’s mono-white Kiyomaro, First to Stand Commander deck focused on card draw the Dear Azami treatment.

Dear Azami – Being All Things To All People

In this edition of Dear Azami, Sean helps a reader tune his Mistform Ultimus Commander deck into a tribal synergy advantage machine.

Curiosities: Non-Standard Standard Decks

Just because five guilds have to wait for Gatecrash doesn’t mean they aren’t useful yet. Sean McKeown takes on the guilds left out of Return to Ravnica and offers up some non-standard Standard decks.

Dear Azami – Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

In this installment of Dear Azami, Sean aids a player in making his mono-red control Diaochan, Artful Beauty Commander deck more consistent and fun.

Dear Azami – New Rules

For something a little different, Sean sticks with the Modern time period as a deck design limitation and builds a deck around Return to Ravnica card Isperia, Supreme Judge, and a “new rules” theme.

Dear Azami – Readying The Return To Ravnica

It looks like everyone is ready for the upcoming Return to Ravnica, including a reader who has requested Sean’s help with his Skullbriar, the Walking Grave Commander deck that contains spoiled cards.