AuthorSean McKeown

Sean McKeown is renowned for his ability to take existing archetypes and improve them. His articles often end up influencing constructed metagames from States and Regionals to the Pro Tour itself.

Dear Azami: When Daxos Attacks

Sean McKeown is back for the next piece in his return to Dear Azami form! He’s digging back in by helping one reader’s Commander deck out. What can Sean do to get it moving in the right direction?

Dear Azami: Homecoming

Sean returns to the column he’s spent so long cultivating! See what deck he has in store this week for his return article! Nobody patches up Commander decks quite like Sean McKeown!

Dear Azami: Help Wanted

Sean McKeown visits to help a reader’s friend not quit Magic by fixing her Brago, King Eternal deck – and if you’ve ever wanted to write for Star City Games, you should definitely check this article out!

Greed Is Good

Standard has proven to be quite the dynamic format at the moment, but is there even more to it than we have already seen? Sean McKeown takes a look at the format’s mana in order to divine new decks that might be possible, with interesting results.

Dear Azami: Death By Mana

With Cassidy away at GenCon last week, Sean McKeown makes a brief visit back to Commander-land in order to work on a reader’s Surrak Dragonclaw deck designed to win based off of its land base – sometimes in unconventional ways.

Delve And Delver

While Sean is more well-known for his 99-card creations than his 60’s in recent years, he’s been known to shake things up in Modern from time to time. Check out his weapon of choice for Grand Prix Charlotte, Sultai Delver, as well as why you should play it and how to play it well.

Dear Azami: Happy Hippo Hugs

Group Hug Commander decks are often some of the strangest fun you can have in Magic, but when does it go from enjoyable to predictable and cliche’? Sean McKeown shows you where to draw the fun line in this week’s Dear Azami!

Dear Azami: #tuckergate

Dear Azami’s normalcy takes a backseat this week for a wonderfully presented perspective piece on the nature of authority, the new Commander tuck rule, and the tragic predictability of collective outrage.

Dear Azami: Enter The Dragonlord

Sean McKeown had a great experience at the Prerelease, and he’s using it to widen his Commander range! See the deck he put together using one of the biggest and baddest from Dragons of Tarkir!

Dear Azami: The Age Of Oros

Stagnant Commander deck got you down? Bored of the same old Voltron win condition? It’s time for another tune-up in the Dear Azami Workshop!

Dear Azami: Tiny Glissa

The Tiny Leaders craze is in full swing! See Dear Azami take on the Commander variant and help one Tiny Leaders reader step up his Tiny game!

Dear Azami: The Tempest Within

Combo got your local playgroup down? Quash that nonsense! Sean McKeown is here to tell you how to police the dirtier Commander games and still have fun with your own build at the same time!

Dear Azami: She’s An Angel

Sean McKeown checks in to help a new Commander-lover find her footing by taking flight among one of the most beloved tribes in all of Magic.

Dear Azami: No Pain, No Brains!

Need a boost to your graveyard-themed Commander deck? Want to figure out how to make the same stale games quite a bit crazier? Sean gives you the tools you need to conquer the Commander pods from the bone yard!

Dear Azami: Nobody Loves Jazal

Jazal got the cold shoulder while the rest of the Commander 2014 all-stars were hogging the spotlight. It’s time for Sean to give the love and justice due to the most underrated of Commander’s newest additions!