
AuthorRoss Merriam

Ross Merriam has been a fixture on the SCG Tour since 2012 and is one of its most decorated players with over twenty top 8s. He currently serves as the beardliest member of Team BCW and a content creator for StarCityGames.com, focusing on the Modern format as well as Magic fundamentals and theory designed to help you elevate your game.

VS Live! A Modern Metagame Checkup

The metagame doctors are in. Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam play three Modern matches and give their prognosis for the format.

VS Live! Modern Viewer Requests

VS Live! gives the people what they want as Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam pilot viewer-submitted Modern decks.

Why Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer Took A Week To Break Out In Modern

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is an aggressive one-drop, so why did it wait until last weekend to break out? Ross Merriam explains the metagame forces at work.

VS Live! Modern Decks: Artifact Or Artifiction?

The artifacts are out in the latest episode of VS Live! But are these Modern decks destined to shine… or to land on the scrap heap?

VS Live! Exploring Modern With Modern Horizons 2

Todd Anderson and Ross Merriam continue exploring Modern with Modern Horizons 2. Can Todd make Naya Enchantress work?

The Future Of Death & Taxes In Modern Is Without Leonin Arbiter

Death and Taxes players, Ross Merriam has some sad news: Leonin Arbiter does not cut it anymore in Modern. But what should replace it? His idea will surprise you.

VS Live! Modern Horizons 2 Deck Building

Ross and Todd have six off-the-wall decks to test out! What cards from Modern Horizons 2 will shine in these unique lists?

VS Live! Testing The Limits Of Modern Horizons 2

Corey Baumeister steps out and Todd Andersons steps in just in time to battle Ross Merriam with six spicy Modern Horizons 2 inspired decks!

Ignoble Hierarch Unlocks A New Universe Of Modern Decks

A mana creature aficionado, Ross Merriam dissects the arrival of the newest one from Modern Horizons 2 — Ignoble Hierarch

VS Live! Making The Most Of Modern Horizons 2

Join Ross and Corey for more MTG Modern gameplay as they build around the hottest new previews!

Let’s Maximize Goblin Bombardment In Modern

Here’s one for the old-school combo fans. Goblin Bombardment is in Modern Horizons 2, and Ross Merriam sees plenty of ways to use it.

VS Live! Dueling With Modern Horizons 2

It’s Modern madness on VS Live! as Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam battle with unusual yet successful decks and their own Modern Horizons 2 creations.

VS Live: Modern Madness

It’s Modern madness as Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam battle with successful lists from recent Magic Online events.

Is Orzhov Humans (Lurrus) Pioneer’s Deck To Beat?

Pioneer’s healthy metagame has thrived under the radar. Five SCG creators say what they’d play, from Selesnya Company to Orzhov Humans (Lurrus).

VS Live! The Historic Tainted Pact Gauntlet

Tainted Pact decks are the new boogeyman of Historic. Corey Baumeister pilots Dimir Tainted Pact (Lurrus) against Ross Merriam’s gauntlet.