
AuthorReid Duke

Reid Duke, aka reiderrabbit, made a name for himself on Magic Online by winning the Magic Online Championships at Worlds in 2011. He won Grand Prix Nashville and Grand Prix Miami, made Top 8 at GP Providence, Montreal, Charleston, San Antonio, Quebec City, and Detroit, and won a SCG Inviational.

Jund In All Formats

Find out why Reid thinks Jund is a good choice for Standard, Modern, and Legacy. Play it at your next PTQ or SCG Open Series: San Diego this weekend!

Holding The Invitational Check

Reid Duke shares the highlights from his victory at the SCG Invitational in Los Angeles, where he played Bant Control in Standard and BUG Midrange in Legacy.

GP Charleston In Three Acts *5th*

Reid dramatizes how he made Top 8 of the Standard Grand Prix in Charleston this past weekend with his latest version of Bant Control. Pick up the deck yourself and try out for a part!

Video: RUG Delver In Modern

This week Reid battles against the break-out decks from the Modern Grand Prix in Lyon, Splinter Twin and BUG, while piloting RUG Delver.

The State Of Modern

Reid brings you up to speed on what the Modern metagame looks like after PT Return to Ravnica and GP Lyon and offers his opinions on the format’s defining decks to help you prepare for GP Chicago.

Video: Jund In Modern

In preparation for GP Chicago, MOCS champion Reid Duke throws Jund against a variety of Modern’s most formidable foes: Eggs, Affinity, and Infect.

Introducing Electromancer Delver

Reid offers up a Standard deck that he feels is the perfect storm of power and flexibility to shake up the current format. Be sure to check it out before the SCG Open Series in St. Louis this weekend!

Control In New Standard Step By Step

Reid takes you through the step-by-step process of building a control deck from scratch, considering the options available, and providing a snapshot of what the early RTR Standard metagame might look like at SCG Open Series: Cincinnati.

Abrupt Decay And Legacy Pox

Find out why two-time SCG Open champion Reid Duke recommends that you try his B/G Pox deck with Abrupt Decay in Legacy once Return to Ravnica is released.

Modern Exploration

GP Nashville winner Reid Duke continues telling you about the decks he encountered during his journey in the world of Modern for the Players Championship, including Jund, Zoo, and more!